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The Chant of Metta 巴利文慈經誦
2010/06/08 16:56:42瀏覽4182|回應14|推薦38

張小妹送給我這張CD已有四年了﹐ 我常會拿出來一遍又一遍的聽。一直都不知道Metta 是什麼意思?唱的是巴利文﹐後半段有英文道白,但仍不確切知道歌詞內容為何﹖那優美的曲調實實在在可以感動人心﹐好像來自天上的樂曲﹐ 非常的悅耳祥和。張小妹說可以撫慰悲傷的心。

我曾問她何處可以找到巴利文的歌詞﹖ 幾年聽下來﹐我也可以饒舌的跟唱了﹐但我還是不知道這首歌的內容﹐只想這可比老和尚尼姑念經好聽多了﹐多次想和同學朋友分享﹐ 因所知有限而作罷。這兩天很幸運的在網上搜尋到這首歌的來龍去脈﹐十分歡喜﹐ 謝謝張小妹的慈心善意。

巴利文慈經誦(Chant of Metta),是從巴利文《慈經》(Metta Sutta)中佛陀對於「慈」(Metta)的開示內容,所加以編寫譜曲而成。由馬來西亞的黃慧音(Imee Ooi ) 編曲/唱誦。 因為音質柔美與唱誦內容安撫眾生的內心而廣為流傳。而《慈經》這部經典是記載著當時佛陀在世的時候,對禪修的比丘們教導一個修禪者,應如何對於宇宙眾生慈愛與祝福的開示。 這首歌獻給普天下的所有生靈, 遠離一切憎恨與危險,遠離一切心理的痛苦,遠離一切肉體的痛苦,身心皆得安樂.

中譯: ## 願我遠離一切憎恨與危險 願我遠離一切心理的痛苦 願我遠離一切肉體的痛苦 願我身心皆得安樂 願我的父母、導師、親人與朋友 以及與我共同修習佛法的行者們 都能遠離一切憎恨與危險遠離心理與肉體的一切痛苦 願他們都能身心安樂 願所有在這個宅院中的修行者們 都能遠離一切憎恨與危險 遠離一切心理與肉體的痛苦 願他們都能身心安樂 願所有在這個宅院中的僧侶、沙彌、優婆塞、優婆夷們 都能遠離一切憎恨與危險 遠離一切心理與肉體的痛苦 願他們都能身心安樂

## The Chant of Metta 黃慧音(Imee Ooi ) 編曲/唱誦 Aham avero homi

May I be free from enmity and danger abyapajjho homi

May I be free from mental suffering anigha homi

May I be free from physical suffering sukhi - attanam pariharami

May I take care of myself happily Mama matapitu

May my parents acariya ca natimitta ca teacher relatives and friends sabrahma - carino ca fellow Dhamma farers avera hontu be free from enmity and danger abyapajjha hontu be free from mental suffering anigha hontu be free from physical suffering sukhi - attanam pariharantu may they take care of themselves happily Imasmim arame sabbe yogino

May all meditators in this compound avera hontu be free from enmity and danger abyapajjha hontu be free from mental suffering anigha hontu be free from physical suffering sukhi -attanam pariharantu

May they take care of themselves happily Imasmim arame sabbe bhikkhu

May all monks in this compound samanera ca novice monks upasaka - upasikaya ca laymen and laywomen disciples avera hontu be free from enmity and danger abyapajjha hontu be free from mental suffering anigha hontu be free from physical suffering sukhi - attanam pariharantu May they take care of themselves happily Amhakam catupaccaya - dayaka May our donors of the four supports: clothing, food, medicine and lodging avera hontu be free from enmity and danger abyapajjha hontu be free from mental suffering anigha hontu be free from physical suffering sukhi - attanam pariharantu

May they take care of themselves happily Amhakam arakkha devata

May our guardian devas Ismasmim vihare in this monastery Ismasmim avase in this dwelling Ismasmim arame in this compound arakkha devata May the guardian devas avera hontu be free from enmity and danger abyapajjha hontu be free from mental suffering anigha hontu be free from physical suffering sukhi - attanam pariharantu

May they take care of themselves happily Sabbe satta

May all beings sabbe pana all breathing things sabbe bhutta all creatures sabbe puggala all individuals sabbe attabhava - pariyapanna all personalities (all beings with mind and body) sabbe itthoyo

May all females sabbe purisa all males sabbe ariya all noble ones (saints) sabbe anariya all worldlings (those yet to attain sainthood) sabbe deva all devas (deities) sabbe manussa all humans sabbe vinipatika all those in the four woeful planes avera hontu be free from enmity and dangers abyapajjha hontu be free from mental suffering anigha hontu be free from physical suffering sukhi - attanam pariharantu Dukkha muccantu May all being be free from suffering Yattha-laddha-sampattito mavigacchantu

May whatever they have gained not be lost Kammassaka All beings are owners of their own Kamma (Karma) Purathimaya disaya in the eastern direction pacchimaya disaya in the western direction uttara disaya in the northern direction dakkhinaya disaya in the southern direction purathimaya anudisaya in the southeast direction pacchimaya anudisaya in the northwest direction uttara anudisaya in the northeast direction dakkhinaya anudisaya in the southwest direction hetthimaya disaya in the direction below uparimaya disaya in the direction above Sabbe satta May all beings sabbe pana all breathing things sabbe bhutta all creatures sabbe puggala all individuals (all beings) sabbe attabhava - pariyapanna all personalities (all beings with mind and body) sabbe itthoyo

May all females sabbe purisa all males sabbe ariya all noble ones (saints) sabbe anariya (those yet to attain sainthood) sabbe deva all devas (deities) sabbe manussa all humans sabbe vinipatika all those in the 4 woeful planes avera hontu be free from enmity and dangers abyapajjha hontu be free from mental suffering anigha hontu be free from physical suffering sukhi - attanam pariharantumay they take care of themselves happily Dukkha muccantu

May all beings be free from suffering Yattha-laddha-sampattito mavigacchantu

May whatever they have gained not be lost Kammassaka All beings are owners of their own kamma (Karma) Uddham yava bhavagga ca As far as the highest plane of existence adho yava aviccito to as far down as the lowest plane samanta cakkavalesu in the entire universe ye satta pathavicara whatever beings that move on earth abyapajjha nivera ca

May they are free of mental suffering and enmity nidukkha ca nupaddava Uddham yava bhavagga ca As far as the highest plane of existence adho yava aviccito to as far down as the lowest plane samanta cakkavalesu in the entire universe ye satta udakecara whatever beings that move on water abyapajjha nivera ca

May they are free of mental suffering and enmity nidukkha ca nupaddava and from physical suffering and danger Uddham yava bhavagga ca As far as the highest plane of existence adho yava aviccito to as far down as the lowest plane samanta cakkavalesu in the entire universe ye satta akasecara whatever beings that move in air abyapajjha nivera ca

May they are free of mental suffering and enmity nidukkha ca nupaddava and from physical suffering and danger.

( 知識學習其他 )
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Zhang Xiao Mei
one correction
2010/06/09 11:34
I like your writing!  Just one correction though, this CD was recorded by 黃慧音 before 2004.  I had her CD since 2001.

Zhang Xiao Mei
烏拉瑰本尊在此(marsha1623) 於 2010-06-09 11:45 回覆:
 謝謝你的指正。 我這個訊息是由網上研讀而來﹐看來有誤。所以這個曲子老早就有了。 不管歷時多久﹐那安定的力量是恆久有力的。謝謝你這珍貴禮物。

2010/06/09 04:13


烏拉瑰本尊在此(marsha1623) 於 2010-06-09 13:41 回覆:
大悲咒對我來說太難背了﹐ 多年前和人比賽,花過功夫背﹐對手108尊全背會了﹐ 我 頂多背得前十尊﹐ 現在您一問﹐ 只記得兩尊了。慚愧至極﹐慧根不夠﹐其實是太難﹐ 偶太懶惰了。 敢問您會幾尊﹖

2010/06/08 19:16















烏拉瑰本尊在此(marsha1623) 於 2010-06-09 04:10 回覆:
高興你也喜歡﹐從原來完全不知意思的梵音中得到撫慰寧靜是促使我終於找出巴利文歌詞的意義﹐ 原來有部經叫慈經﹐ 還有一個慈經來源的故事。 忘了問你﹐ 那天看的書可是達賴喇嘛的快樂﹖ 

2010/06/08 17:59

今天 4:02PM 進入醫院前﹐看到這年輕人坐在電動的輪椅裡﹐炙熱的太陽毫無遮攔的照著他﹐他翹首仰頸的等待﹐可能是等待照顧他的人帶他回家。從他下肢一直到下半身都是萎縮的﹐身體歪坐向右邊﹐ 不是腦性痲痺﹐就是脊髓受傷﹐要不就是中樞神經的病變。我很想問他需要幫忙嗎﹖

4:52PM 離開醫院﹐這位年輕人的輪椅換了個位置﹐更靠向馬路了﹐但仍在等待﹐翹首仰頸的姿勢依舊。對自己可以行走自如該覺得幸福嗎﹖ 怎能因為另一個人的殘疾而感到自己很幸運呢﹖我想到了我的家人﹐朋友﹐同學﹐病人﹐路上的流浪漢﹐流浪狗﹐受苦的人﹐動物....

我又想到這首歌。迴向﹐ 祝禱。這樣感覺好多了。
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