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2023/01/05 05:44:33瀏覽939|回應0|推薦5 | |
美國詩人評論家邁寇▪埃斯寇巴斯(Michael Escoubas)簡評非馬的漢英雙語詩選《無夢之夜》譯文及非馬的雙語詩〈選舉萬歲〉及〈冬宮夏宮大宮小宮〉刊登於《秋水詩刊》194期,2023年元月。
環顧四周 他突然發現 那些本來同他一樣警醒的眼睛 現在卻都如醉如痴 被一張能言善辯的嘴催眠
迅速膨脹的謊言 成了他們緊緊攀附的氣球
載浮載沉 載浮載沉...
looking around suddenly he found people once alert all seemed to be in a trance
clinging tightly to balloons of rapidly expanding lies
bobbing up and down up and down... 冬宮夏宮大宮小宮 ──俄羅斯遊之一
喝地一聲 齊齊向天托起 一個個富麗堂皇的穹頂
仰望的眼睛 突然潤濕模糊了起來 當腥味的血汗 自無數雙青筋暴脹的手 穿越明明暗暗的年代 驟雨般飛濺過來 WINTER PALACES SUMMER PALACES BIG PALACES SMALL PALACES -- Russian Impression #1
Hoisted to the sky a magnificent dome
My upward-looking eyes suddenly become blurred as drops of sweat and blood flying through the dim air of history splatter my face
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