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夏肇毅知識運算網-物聯網IoT實作體驗-使用Arduino, XBee, Raspberry Pi 2
2016/03/09 00:10:41瀏覽1112|回應0|推薦3

[夏肇毅知識運算網 Mark Hsia's Knowledge Computing Web]

物聯網IoT實作體驗-使用Arduino, XBee, Raspberry Pi 2

完整介紹 Sersor Node, IoT Gateway 與 Internet OpenSource後台 的教學文章


Sersor Node與IoT Gateway 間的通訊可用ZigBee, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), 或 Power over Ethernet (PoE).

IoT Gateway 與 Internet OpenSource後台間的協定 可用REST, MQTT, CoAP, STOMP 及 SMS.


My Notes:
Industrial IoT requires a robust infrastructure comprised of sensor nodes, energy-efficient communication networks, and gateways that  connect to the Internet and cloud.

The communication link between the sensors’ nodes and the central hub is based on
 ZigBee, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), or Power over Ethernet (PoE).

gateways play the dual role of routers and firewall securing the sensor nodes and internal network.

One of the first jobs of the gateway is to transform and normalize the data.

The second role of an IoT gateway is protocol transformation.

The datasets generated by the sensor nodes may rely on JSON or CSV.

Some of the popular outbound protocols used in the context of IoT are REST, MQTT, CoAP, STOMP and even SMS.

ZigBee is based on an IEEE 802.15.4 standard.

 ZigBee networks are secured by 128-bit symmetric encryption keys.
My Notes:
XBee modules make it easy to create a wireless point-to-point or mesh network.

DreamFactory is an open source REST API backend.

Swagger, the popular REST API tool, is tightly integrated with DreamFactory,

XBee is treated as a serial port to send and receive data using the standard UART clients.

Freeboard is an open source visualization and dashboard tool.

Freeboard can be integrated with any REST endpoint that emits valid JSON output.


IoT infrastructure: Sensor nodes and gateways


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