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2010/04/06 19:47:07瀏覽671|回應0|推薦1 | |||||
俺喜愛被閒置常步行安步當車步步 "無" 營, 還真有點羨慕未出名之前的坎寬巴‧米勒( 他現在應該得搭飛機到處跑指導別人了 ). 因緣際會經常在當 "神經病" 族群的蒙古大夫, 這幾天俺也是到處 "胡說八道" 累得不成人形, 偏偏又有親人在健康檢查之後必需回診( 阿妹對著護士脫口而出:後天飛機在等我啊... ) 嘿嘿, cancer 子彈不長眼睛的, 它不常主持正義去找妳的爛仇人, 它不管妳樂善好施其實是大好人. 它更不理妳是不是台灣首富的老婆.... ( 例如:倒楣的沒外遇的林淑如 ) http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/File:Mammo_breast_cancer.jpg PS~ 波霸罩門上男人比較好命... 96 年乳癌死者 3/4 > 45 歲, 97年 20死者 17人> 45 歲. 呵呵, 半年前開始免費老女人乳房攝影( 儀器上掛的牌子寫~ 行政院原子能委員會... 哇, 好偉大竟然是老朋友任職過的單位 ).
Cure Breast Cancer By Avoiding All Milk Products By Prof. Jane Plant, PhD, CBE The Daily Mail - UK . . ................. Perhaps nature is trying to tell us that we are eating the wrong food. Before I had breast cancer for the first time, I had eaten a lot of dairy produce( 乳製品 ), such as skimmed milk, low-fat cheese and yoghurt. I had used it as my main source of protein. . . . ...................................... Jane says: "It is not that cow's milk isn't a good food. It is a great food- for baby cows. It is not intended by nature for consumption by any species other than baby cows. It is nutritionally different from human breast milk, containing three times as much protein and far more calcium.' . . . |
( 知識學習|科學百科 ) |