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✿ڿڰۣ--ڿڰ..Some Say We Are Worlds Apart.✿ڿڰۣ--ڿڰ..
2011/09/05 01:35:15瀏覽68|回應0|推薦1
Some say we are worlds apart…

But I can hear his voice carried on the wind

It cuts through silence to whisper secrets in my ear

In my deepest slumber, he enters my dreams before dawn

The moon smiles upon us and gives her blessing

Some say it will be too painful…

But what is pain when in his kiss I find the passion of a lifetime?

I can sense his presence in the darkness

His embrace holds me tighter than gravity

Like iron and honey, his strength is laced with gentle sweetness

The Earth trembles…I am safe and satisfied

Some say that we are strangers…

But I know that our souls are old friends

They sit together at the table of life sharing wisdom

What is true will always be

The death of one is surely the birth of another

Some do not believe my story…

But I say, it is a story as old as time, written upon the foundation of my heart

Whether or not we believe, we cannot stop time

I speak his truth when he surrenders in silence

I am called without words to suffer his misery and share his joys

I keep his secrets like tiny treasures

Without need, without reason, he is my delight.♥
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