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Reasons to LOVE
2011/09/04 03:24:37瀏覽86|回應0|推薦1

(✿·٠‧●♥ ♫♥♪♫♥♪♥﹐﹐.‧*‥*‧♫♪‧♥﹐﹐.‧*‥♫♥﹐.‧*♫)*

I love how we met that cool summer night

The way you looked your shirt so tight

I loved our first date on the back of my bike

I fell for you holding me tight

I love your smile and your full lips

When ours meet heaven in a glimpse

I love your sweetness how you make me first

You fill my heart enough to burst

I love watching Conan with you by my side

Those long summer nights with never a goodbye

I love how you are just like me

We belong together in a house by the sea

I love the look that you give with grace

Whenever I wipe the hair from your face

I love you more than I can say

Always had me wishing for one more day

I love you that will never change

If you left I would derange

I love it when your hair is a mess

When you’re on top in a sundress

I love it how I can put you over the table

And hear you say that you want to rail

I love you for everything you are

For the times we spent together in my car

I love you cause I know you will be here

When I go to sleep to hold me secure

(✿·٠‧●♥ ♫♥♪♫♥♪♥﹐﹐.‧*‥*‧♫♪‧♥﹐﹐.‧*‥♫♥﹐.‧*♫)*
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