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慈悲及智慧 - Mercy & Wise
2010/08/06 22:57:50瀏覽126|回應0|推薦1
生活往前看, 加緊做, 才重要!

慈悲應用不當, 會成為濫慈悲, 如同過多的愛包容, 就等於溺愛.
慈悲如沒有智慧做前導, 有時反會產生反效果.
Mercy applied in inappropriately, will become to excessive compassion, love with too much tolerance is equivalent to spoil.
Compassion without wisdom to do the advance leading, and sometimes to obtain the disadvantage.

人的無知, 常因為無智, 無智常因為無學習, 沒有緩下生活步調停看聽, 每日學習來自於多方面的吸收及請問, 要想有學問, 就需邊學邊問. 古人有言 : 吾日三省吾身, 每日三次自我反省. 好像真的很難做到.

漢譯: 3 種版譯.

1. 曾子說:“我每天多次反省自己:替別人出謀劃策,是不是盡心竭力了呢?和朋友交往,是不是誠實守信了呢?對老師所傳授的知識,是不是復習了呢?”(武惠華譯)

2. 曾子說:“我一天中多次反省自己:為別人辦事不夠盡心嗎?與朋友交往不夠誠實嗎?老師傳授的學業不夠熟練嗎?”(吳兆基譯)

3. 曾子說:“我每天多次檢查反省自己:為別人出主意做事情,是否忠實[盡心竭力]呢?和朋友交往,是否真誠講信用呢?對老師所傳授的知識,是否[認真]復習了呢?”(徐志剛、 )


英譯:total 8 translation veriosn for your reference. 

The philosopher Tsang said, “I daily examine myself on three points: –
whether, in transacting business for others, I may have been not
faithful; – whether, in intercourse with friends, I may have been not
sincere ; – whether I may have not mastered and practised the
instructions of my teacher.”
James Legge translation

Master Tsêng said, Every day I examine myself on these three points: in
acting on behalf of others, have I always been loyal to their
interests? In intercourse with my friends, have I always been true to my
word? Have I failed to repeat the precepts that have been handed down
to me?
Arthur Waley translation

The philosopher Tsêng said: ‘I daily examine myself on three points, –
In planning for others have I failed in conscientiousness? In
intercourse with friends have I been insincere? And have I failed to
practice what I have been taught?’

Tseng-tse said, I keep an eye on myself, daily, for three matters: to
get to the middle of mind when planning with men; to keep faith with my
friends; lest I teach and not practice.
Ezra Pound translation

Tseng Tzu said, “I daily examine my personal conduct on three points: –
First, whether or not, in carrying out the duties entrusted to me by
others, I have failed in conscientiousness; secondly, whether or not, in
dealing with friends, I have failed in sincerity and trustworthiness;
thirdly, whether or not I have failed to practise what I teach.”
Ku Hung-ming translation

Tseng Tzu said, ‘Every day I examine myself on three counts. In what I
have undertaken on another’s behalf, have I failed to do my best? In my
dealings with my friends have I failed to be trustworthy in what I say?
Have I passed on to others anything that I have not tried out myself?’
D. C. Lau Translation

I ask myself, said Master Zeng, three questions every day. In dealing
with others, have I not thought of their interests? In making friends,
have my deeds not agreed with my words? In teaching students, have I not
put into practice what I teach them?  

Zeng Zi (a disciple of Confucius’) said, “Every day I examine myself
once and again: Have I tried my utmost to help others? Have I been
honest to my friends? Have I diligently reviewed the instructions from
the Master?”

慈悲的意義與層次 :

一般人都知道慈悲,甚至自己也在奉行慈悲,但是對於慈悲的意義與層次卻不一定能透徹了解.譬如 由無盡寬恕包容變成了姑息縱容.


1.消極的慈悲,積極的慈悲 : 小孩不寫功課, 大人犯法, 需要處罰. -> 積極的慈悲

2.熱鬧的慈悲,寂寞的慈悲 : 一窩蜂去救濟救災->熱鬧的慈悲. 默默行善 -> 寂寞的慈悲

3.直接的慈悲,間接的慈悲 : 直接幫助人-> 直接的慈悲間接幫助人-> 間接的慈悲

4.廣大的慈悲,微小的慈悲 : 大大的幫助很多人 -> 廣大的慈悲. 說一句好話 -> 微小的慈悲

5.一念的慈悲,無限的慈悲 : .................................>

6.有緣的慈悲,無緣的慈悲 : 親朋好友間的慈悲 ->有緣的慈悲, 陌生人間的慈悲 -> 無緣的慈悲

7.有情的慈悲,無情的慈悲 : 給他人快樂幸福 ->有情的慈悲父母師長處罰氾錯 -> 無情的慈悲

8.有求的慈悲,無求的慈悲 : 不求回報的慈悲 -> 無求的慈悲.

( 知識學習其他 )
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