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2017/04/30 16:08:29瀏覽38|回應0|推薦0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
國內代工大廠和碩聯合科技再爆內鬼案!母親節保養品優惠活動內部4名研發工程師勾結海外私設公司,讓該公司得以承攬和碩科技散熱料件訂單蛋糕推薦 台南市,目前檢調已將涉案的4名工程師及1名合夥人約談到案,全案朝背信、妨害工商秘密等罪嫌偵辦。 檢調表示,和碩科技內部黃、洪、張、許姓4名研發工程師,於2012年2月與許姓工程師的劉姓五專同學合2017高雄市百貨公司週年慶塔吉特斗六門市夥,於非洲塞席爾共和國成立海外電子公司,4人藉職務之便,將和碩內部訊息,告知劉男,再讓該海外公司擁有電子產品散熱料件的技術,並以此取得和碩訂單,和碩則喪失與其他公司議價的機會。 和碩接獲舉報,並向調查局報案,經過新北市地檢署調查,今天約談黃、洪、張、許4名工程師與劉姓男子到案,並將擴大台南母親節餐廳優惠清查,是否還有高階人員涉案。 立法院院會6日再審《勞動基準法》中攸關於「砍七天假」、「一例一休」等爭議修法,由於協商破裂,民進黨團強行表決,國民黨團眼見大勢已去,在晚間7時40分審完37條之後,國民黨立委們走出議會舉行記者會,黨團總召廖國棟表示,「這是一個勞工最黑暗的一次院會,對勞工說聲對不起,我們已經極盡心力走完過程,真正要道歉的是蔡政府背叛勞工」,國民黨立委並高喊「民進黨背叛勞工,蔡英文出來道歉」。 廖國棟表示,國民黨團從十月五日開始,陪同全國勞工,針對勞基法修正案,從審查會到院會的過程,可以說非常辛苦,中途甚至到監察院狀告審查會過程的不公不義,要求重審,也拿到了重審、公聽會,讓所有的意見都在公聽會當中陳述。 廖國棟說,可是到了最後,包括今天的最後院會,他們都善盡了國民黨團長期關注勞工的責任,甚至當中有同仁因為衝撞導致受傷,包括陳宜民、還有林麗嬋,只是最後非常遺憾,一個口中謙卑的蔡政府,一個說要解決問題的蔡政府,最後竟然不單是多數暴力,而是實質的暴力。 廖國棟表示,看到國民黨立委在主席台上激烈的推擠,為的是堅持為勞工權益而努力,但民進黨不單是多數暴力,還用多數人力把藍委從主席台上排除,「這是一個勞工最黑暗的一次院會,對勞工說聲對不起,我們已經極盡心力走完過程,真正要道歉的是蔡政府背叛勞工」。 黨團書記長江啟臣指出,「這個是勞工除了最黑暗、也是最悲哀的一天,也是最荒謬的修法、立法」,一例一休的案子,從七月份到現在,甚至更早以前,民進黨執政以前到執政以後的髮夾彎,自己的召委自己落跑,今天也沒來參與整個立法投票,然後民進黨要說這是一個最好的法案,是一個所有勞工都接受、認同的法案,真的不曉得是在裝睡,還是聽不到。 2017-02-0303:00 / Staff writer, with CNAThe Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) line began trial runs yesterday, with free rides being offered to the public in two phases over the course of one month before commercial operations begin on March 2, Taoyuan Metro Corp said.In the first phase, which is to run through Feb. 15, group passengers who apply in advance are to be allowed to travel for free between 8am and 4pm, the company saidDuring this phase, passengers are to be restricted to boarding and disembarking at only six of the 21 stations, which do not include the two stations serving Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, it added.The six stations are Taipei Main Station (A1), New Taipei Industrial Park Station (A3), Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Station (A8), Shanbi Station (A10), Taoyuan High Speed Rail Station (A18) and Huanbei Station (A21), or north link, the company said.In the second phase, which is to start on Feb. 15 and run through March 1, a daily maximum of 40,000 free rides between 8am and 4pm will be offered to individual passengers who obtain numbered tags at the stations at 7:40am, 9:40am, 11:40am and 1:40pm, the company said, adding that passengers will have access to all 21 stations during this phase.Although luggage check-in services for airport passengers will be available at Taipei Main Station during the second phase, outbound passengers are advised not to use it until the line’s commercial operations begin on March 2.The first trial run traveled from Huanbei Station to Taipei Main Station, with Taoyuan Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan (鄭文燦) and Taoyuan City Council Speaker Chiu Yi-sheng (邱奕勝) leading about 160 local officials and residents aboard the new train.Some people who rode the line described it as “the pride of Taoyuan,” while expressing hope that it would be profitable.However, others said they felt uncomfortable during the journey on a windy section between Huanbei Station and Airport Terminal 2.After the MRT starts commercial operations, passengers will be offered a 50 percent discount on all trips during the first month, the company said, adding that the trains will run from 6am to 11pm every day.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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