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Factors to consider when buying shoes
2022/06/17 16:06:21瀏覽136|回應0|推薦0

Good-looking shoes are not useful, but also to see if they are suitable for you. No matter how beautiful the shoes are, it is a very painful thing to wear feet.footwear manufacturer, So how do you buy a pair of shoes that are suitable for you?

Consider your own size. The first thing to consider when buying shoes is whether the size of the shoes is the same as the size of your feet. If it is too long, it cannot be worn, and it is not easy to walk. If it is too short, the squeezed other little toes will hurt, and even blisters will appear, so the size of the shoes is very important.

Depends on your foot shape. The shoes you choose should have the same shape as your corners to be comfortable to wear. If you choose some small pointed toes, it will squeeze the little toes very painfully. It depends on the type of foot.

Depends on your financial situation. There are various prices for shoes. You don’t have to choose hundreds or thousands. You need to look at your own economic ability. As long as you can accept the price, you can accept the average price, so it depends on your personal economic conditions. to decide


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