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What is the definition of metal stamping parts?
2022/06/13 16:37:00瀏覽142|回應0|推薦0

In fact, metal stamping parts can be seen everywhere in our lives, such as plates, mobile phone casings, etc.metal stamping suppliers, , so what is the professional explanation of metal stamping parts?

Metal stamping refers to a process that uses punches and dies to deform or break stainless steel, iron, aluminum, copper and other plates and heterosexual materials to achieve a certain shape and size. Metal stamping parts are the product of metal stamping.

Cold stamping refers to the most widely used in hardware processing. It refers to the mold for steel/non-ferrous metal and other plates at room temperature, which is formed into a specified shape by the pressure required for processing by the press.

Metal stamping parts are generally made of steel, steel alloy, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, zinc, copper and iron, and some other alloys with good plasticity.


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