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【冬季最新款】Avent Philips Sonicare 兒童電動牙刷 省錢妙招特惠活動
2018/10/15 10:10:16瀏覽13|回應0|推薦0

這幾天小光來我家玩,看到Avent Philips Sonicare 兒童電動牙刷


急性子的小光卻要我馬上陪他去買Avent Philips Sonicare 兒童電動牙刷


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Avent Philips Sonicare 兒童電動牙刷










AVENT Philips Sonicare for Kids Sonic Electric Toothbrush

The Philips Avent child-friendly sonic electric toothbrush motivates children to stick to their daily dental care routine again and again.

The toothbrush is Bluetooth-enabled and the cheerful interactive app gets kids excited about brushing. Your child's unique brushing coach - a funny little monster - challenges him to brush better and for longer until your child reaches the dentist-recommended two minutes. There will be exciting rewards for successful brushing sessions so that your child will love to spend time in the bathroom and sticking to his/ her dental care routine.

A timer enables you to keep track of the brushing time even when you don't use the app. Individual details of your child's brushing session can be saved and are synced the next time you use the app.

As your child learns to brush his/ her teeth properly, the patented sonic technology does the rest. The unique dynamic action of Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush gently and effectively reaches deep between teeth and along the gum line. With over 500 strokes per second, sonic cleaning power help compensate for developing techniques as children grow better at brushing. Two different brushing modes adapt perfectly to different age groups.

The ergonomically designed handles is perfect for children's small hands. Your child can either brush on their own or with mom and dad. Your child will love the funny interchangeable stickers that allow him or her to choose the look of their Sonicare toothbrush. With eight interchangeable designs inside every sonic toothbrush box, kids can give their brush a new look as often as they want. Combined with the chance to customise the look of the app's character, the Philips Sonicare for Kids experience is all about making effective oral care engaging and fun at all times.

Even dentists prefer the AVENT Philips Sonicare for Kids for their own children. This toothbrush is perfect for learning the right brushing technique in a playful way - it has interactive features for more fun in the bathroom and perfectly clean children's teeth as a result!

Hint: Suitable toothbrush heads in 2 different sizes are included in delivery. Suitable for your child at the age of 4 years and up and at the age of 7 years and up!


  • Age suitability: from 4 years and up

  • With interactive app

  • Items delivered: toothbrush, 2 toothbrush heads (standard and compact); 8 interchangeable stickers; 1 charger

  • 2 child-friendly brushing modes

  • Patented Sonicare sonic electric technology

  • 經典商品最新出版
  • Illuminated display

  • Speed: up to 31.000 brush strokes/min

  • Timer: KidTimer and QuadPacer

  • Built-in Bluetooth for Coaching App

  • iOS-compatible with iPhone4S or higher, iPad of the 3rd generation or higher, iOS7 operating system

  • Android compatibility with Android phones, Bluetooth 4.0 tablets

  • Voltage: 110 - 220V




Avent Philips Sonicare 兒童電動牙刷





高雲尼醫院10/17籌款餐會 將頒獎牛毓琳、美東華聯

高雲尼醫院27日宣布,133周年年度慈善籌款餐會訂於10月17日(周三)晚在華埠金豐大酒樓舉行,屆時將向市長夫人麥克雷(Chirlane McCray)、國會眾議員維樂貴絲(Nydia Velazquez)、紐約州眾議員牛毓琳、美東華人社團聯合總會和蘋果銀行頒獎,表彰他們在各自領域取得的成就及為社區做出的貢獻。

高雲尼醫院療養院院長蕭爾詩(Susan Sales)說,高雲尼之家基金會多年來一直確保紐約市民無論收入高低、無論何種身分都能獲得高質量醫保;根據近年財政報告顯示,高雲尼已為超過一萬名無保險民眾提供醫療服務,相關診症次數更達6萬3000次。


高雲尼醫院門診部醫務總監Morris Gagliardi表示,年度獲獎者所獲獎項分別為社會公益領袖獎(麥克雷)、終身成就獎(維樂貴絲)、立法領袖獎(牛毓琳)、慈善捐贈獎(美東華人社團聯合總會)、社區夥伴獎(蘋果銀行)。

Morris Gagliardi表示,過去一年裡,高雲尼聯手市長夫人推出的「茁壯紐約」(Thrive NYC)計畫,推出免費心理健康急救培訓(Mental Health First Aid),課程為中英文,保證華人參與者沒有語言障礙,為患有心理疾病的民眾提供及時的支持和治療。高雲尼還加強多語言親子互動輔導療法(PCIT),專注於有效處理兒童行為問題和虐兒家庭的輔導模式


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