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What are the advantages of laser cleaning machines?
2022/05/19 16:06:47瀏覽124|回應0|推薦0

The laser cleaning machine adopts the principle of laser rust removal.​Laser Cleaning Machine.  It uses high-frequency high-energy laser pulses to irradiate the surface of the workpiece to evaporate or peel off oil stains, rust spots or coatings on the surface of the workpiece.

What are the advantages of laser cleaning machines?

1. Green cleaning: no chemicals are used, and the waste after cleaning is solid and harmless powder, which can completely solve the problem of environmental pollution caused by chemical cleaning.

2. Non-destructive cleaning: no grinding, non-contact and no damage to the substrate during the cleaning process.

3. Precise cleaning: The designated area can be precisely cleaned.

The cleaning process is easily automated and can be remotely operated for large-scale laser rust removal. The main problem of laser rust removal is the need for lasers and corresponding supporting equipment.


​Laser cleaning machine rust removal machine application. 

​Application and advantages of laser cleaning machine.  

​What is the working principle of laser cleaning machine. 

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