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Advantages of using outdoor LED display:
2022/04/25 14:23:04瀏覽151|回應0|推薦0

High transparency effect: According to the dot pitch of the transparent LED display, the light transmittance can be between 50-90%. outdoor led display   , The perspective effect allows the glass to retain the functions of lighting and perspective, and the existence of LED lights can hardly be seen from a distance, so that the lighting of the glass curtain wall is not affected.

Saving architectural lighting costs: If the LED glass curtain wall display is installed, a large part of the lighting fixtures on the exterior wall can be saved, and the LED screen is more attractive, which can save costs and have advertising benefits.

Energy saving and environmental protection: its own power consumption is small, and it does not require traditional refrigeration systems and air conditioners to dissipate heat.



Uses and Trends of Outdoor LED Displays    

The main characteristics and development of LED display    

Precautions for the use of outdoor LED displays    

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