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2008/02/15 19:28:06瀏覽838|回應0|推薦1

From Wuppertal's "Floating Tram" Suspended Monorail to Banciao's Moat


2003-12-15 / Taiwan News /

Lin Liling 林麗玲

This Friday afternoon the Eslite Bookstore in

Tunhua South Road
is very Europe, and also very Taiwan. At the "Image Europe, European Impressions" forum you can hear French, German, and Italian, and you can also hear participants talk about spiritual mediums and the Lin Family Gardens in Banciao. Comparing and contrasting such a wide span of topic, really makes us feel deeply inside how interesting and full of vitality life is.

這個星期五的下午,誠品書店敦南店很歐洲,也很台灣。在<映像歐洲 歐洲印象>論壇的研討會場中,可以聽到法文、德文和義大利文,同樣的場次中,也能聽到與談人提到乩童、談到板橋的林家花園,這種張力對比, 真的令人打從心裏感到生活的趣意和一種生命力。

I actually have just 10 minutes for my speech at this forum and am, indeed, very surprised at the enthusiastic response from everyone. People should be touched by the feelings people have in their hearts for this piece of land we call Taiwan. I am only the one to put these feelings into words. During the around six years I spent studying and working in Germany, while living in Europe for such a period of time, I actually started to crave for my own culture. At this talk, I want to show how we can find a kind of creativity in European cities that we could also realize in Taiwan to cultivate our roots and develop a vision for the future.


Banciao Women

The choo choo train whistles and blows, it arrives in Banciao at (read: five point one O).
火車火車吱吱叫 五點十分到板橋

The women of Banciao are pretty and smile doodle doodledee

I'll sell my wife back home and let a Banciao woman marry me 

In the past I've always wondered why there is such a song. Is it because the railway passed through Banciao already at an early date? Or is it because Banciao, as a commercial city, was comparatively wealthy? If this was the case, then why does it say Banciao women and not Mengjia (other name for Wanhua, the commercial center of old Taipei) women? Only much later, after I grew up and got involved in the literary and historic work of my native place, I heard teacher Wu Jirui, the author of the Banciao City history, tell this almost forgotten story. Originally, during the Japanese colonial era, a beauty pageant was once held in the Lin Family Gardens. This is where the song has its origin. The three beauties, who won that contest, were beautiful (literally "black cat," which also depicts a beautiful woman) Yuan, beautiful Cing, and beautiful Bao. The only one among the three who is still alive is beautiful Yuan. Having turned 92 this year, she is as old as the Republic of China. When I visited this nonagenarian for an oral history interview, she had already difficulties walking and had a urine bag strapped to her body. At the time I felt that I was doing the most significant work in the world. The other great beauty named beautiful Cing was married off into a wealthy and influential family that same year.

以前一直在想,為什麼會有這樣的一首歌出現?是不是因為火車很早就經過板橋的緣故?還是因為板橋是商業城比較有富有?如果是這樣,那為什麼不是艋舺查某而是板橋查某呢?後來長這麼大,投入家鄉的文史工作後,才聽板橋市誌的作者吳基瑞老師談起這段快被淹沒的故事。原來日據時代,在板橋的林家花園,曾經舉辦過一場選美,有這麼一個由來的。 當年選出的前三名,分別是黑貓員、黑貓卿、黑貓寶三位美女。唯一還在世上的第一名黑貓員阿嬤,她和民國同大,今年已經九十二歲,拜訪她做耆老口述訪談時,她已行動不便,腰間並繫者一個尿袋,當時我真覺得自己在做一件全世界最有意義的事情。另一位大美女黑貓卿當年則嫁入豪門。

The Maastricht City Wall and Banciao's Old Wall

The old city wall of my native place Banciao has a history of almost 150 years. It is a pentagonal wall, which almost completely follows the course of the Gongguan ditch. However, if you ask about it, nine in ten Banciao residents won't know it. From childhood on I had my doubts about the wall's existence, since, while there were Banciao street names such as North Gate Street, South Gate Street, East Gate Street and West Gate Street, I never knew where these city gates were, or where the city wall was. Actually, now there still remains a piece of Banciao's original city wall, but it sits dilapidated in a corner. Each time I have friends visit, I like it most to take them to see this wall. In the beginning, they usually cannot believe that such an ancient city wall could be found in the corner of a parking lot. The wall sits there quietly and resignedly, it looks as if it is prepared to face its fate of being torn down at any time. My heart is aching each time I go to see the wall, as everyone ignores it, leaves it unattended. At the time of the clashes between the Jhangjhou and Ciuanjhou people (both immigrants from Jhangjhou (Zhangzhou) and Ciuanjhou (Quanzhou) in China's Fujian Province) this city wall protected us descendant of the Jhangjhou people. I feel that its existence props up many things and that tearing it down would mean tearing off our roots.

我的故鄉板橋的古城牆有將近一百五十年的歷史,它幾乎是沿著公館溝蓋起的五角形城牆,不過你問十個板橋人,有九個不知道。我從小就有這樣的疑問,因為板橋的街名,明明就有北門街、南門街、東門街、西門街,但我從來不知道城門在哪?城牆在哪?其實,現在板橋真的還保留著原始的一段城牆,被荒廢在角落裡.每次有朋友來, 我總喜歡帶他們去看,他們起初也不相信在停車場的角落裏竟有這樣的一道古牆,它靜靜無奈地在那裏,一看就是那種隨時準備要面臨被拆掉的命運。每次看心裏都很心痛,沒有人理它,任它荒廢.當年這座城牆在漳泉械鬥的年代,保住了我們這些漳洲人的後裔,我覺得它的存在,支撐很多事,拆掉它就拆掉我們的根。

Let's take another look at Europe's cultural cities. Maastricht in the Netherlands is a cultured and elegant town. Located close to the border, it has since olden times been a place of strategic importance in times of war. Construction of Maastricht's city wall began in the Middle Ages. But even today sections of that city wall, dating back to various construction periods, have been distinctly preserved, and coffee shops along the old city wall are a favorite tourist attraction. Along the old city wall an ancient walkway has been created and where the city wall is not complete anymore, its remains are covered with lush green grass. The city wall clearly still has its spirit. In addition there is a big, forest park and a pond next to the wall, creating a nice scenery inside the various sections of the city wall from different times. When I went there, I could not help thinking of our neglected old city wall in Banciao, which made me feel deeply ashamed.


Wuppertal's "Floating Tram" Suspended Monorail and Banciao's Moat

The city of Wuppertal in Northwestern Germany is the native place of the German philosopher Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) and also renowned for its amazing tram! It is hard to imagine, but the tram is suspended from above, that is its rail is overhead and the tram is suspended from it. Consequently it is called "floating tram" (Note: in German Wuppertal's world-famous unique tram is called "Schwebebahn," which literally translates as "tram/train floating in the air"). It has been built that way to enable tram riders to enjoy the view of their treasured Wupper River, which flows below the tram. Actually, the Wupper does not look very broad, on the contrary it more resembles a small stream. But since the locals have been living with their river for several hundred years, they wanted to first of all preserve the river view (when building the tram). So they asked engineers to come up with a method to realize this idea, which resulted in the design of the present "floating tram." The Wuppertal residents insisted on preserving the Wupper's current riverbed in its entirety and decided not to fill it up to turn it into a road.


On the contrary, the Banciao city wall was constructed almost entirely along the Gongguan ditch, turning it into a natural moat. The bridges referred to in Banciao's name (the second Chinese character in Banciao "" means "bridge") are actually the two wooden bridges across the Gongguan moat and not, as most people think, the Huajiang Bridge and the Guangfu Bridge that link Banciao with Taipei. As a result, it's easy to infer the significance of the Gongguan ditch for Banciao. But later in the 1970s, it was almost entirely filled up and turned into an asphalt road. I would like to use this forum to suggest that we create a walkway along the course of the original city wall and that we mark the positions of the former city gates to make up for their destruction. Mr. Yang Tzu-pao, secretary general of the International Cooperation and Development Fund under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has suggested here that people engaged in the cultural sector now should be a bit more proactive and demand that the original course of the Gongguan ditch be dug up to restore its original waterway so that the Banciao city wall can get onto the international stage. Such remarks are definitely very exciting as the question how we locally can get on track with the world has always been on my mind. Mr. Yang has brought up a very thought-provoking question: Do we really need so many roads?

相對的,板橋城幾乎是沿著公館溝蓋起來的,公館溝成了天然的護城河。板橋地名由來的那座橋,就是蓋在公館溝上的兩節木板橋,而不是像大部份人想的,是通往台北的華江橋或光復橋,公館溝對板橋的意義自不在話下。然而民國六十年代,幾乎都被填平舖成了柏油馬路。於是我在研討會中提出一個構想,可以將原本城牆的路線做成人行道,再分別標出城門的位置作為彌補。而與談的國際合作發展基金會秘書長楊子葆先生則建議,現今文化工作者應更激進些,原本公館溝的位置應重新挖出,呈現河流的原狀,板橋城才能站上國際舞台,這個說法確激進動人,也是心裏一直念茲在茲想的如何讓在地與國際接軌的問題。他並提了一個非常發人深省的問題: 我們真的需要那麼多馬路嗎?

Nanguan Concerts, and Operas Amid Ancient Greek Ruins

One summer night last year, the Banciao cultural group Gang Ha Tsui Theater performed a Nanguan (ancient Chinese wind instrument) concert at the Lin Family Gardens. The concert was performed in two locations, on the stage of the romantic Fangjian Studio and at the Laicing Hall, which the Lin clan used for entertaining high-ranking guests. The director, a returnee from France, did a great job with the lighting, which combined with the garden's historic scenery, created a really very beautiful setting. You definitely won't have such an earthshaking experience, if you go to the National Concert Hall. This also made me recall my experiences watching an opera performed amid Greek ruins and listening to a concert held at the Colosseum in Rome. All these are examples for very successful revivals of historic sites.


In closing I would like to tell you a dream. I hope to found a Banciao local history museum, starting by collecting a few old photographs. When entering the museum, you would be able to hear the sound of the Banciao Women song: The choo choo train whistles and blows, it arrives in Banciao at .


Edited by Tina Lee/translated by Susanne Ganz
編輯李美儀/ 英文翻譯全樹曦

Note:Banciao's old name is "Fangciao" (枋橋), which was changed into Banciao (板橋) only during the Japanese colonial era.

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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