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2013/10/05 10:48:45瀏覽368|回應7|推薦6 | |
testing, testing, one two three four.... 試音、試音,一二三四.... 呵呵,好像找到了一個可以玩的好地方! 前天不小心看到東森洋片台的一部片子,一般而言,老仙看的是動作片、科幻片或最少節奏比較快的片子,如果是翻成什麼“金髮尤物”之類的片名,幾乎保證是不會看的,電影原名是“Legally Blonde2”,第一次轉過去,大概演到前半1/3處,女主角第一次參加公聽會,看沒半分鐘就轉掉了。 第二次轉過去就有點意思,大概一半多一點點,也剛好是另一次公聽會上說狗的事情,艾兒伍茲用真誠讓主席發表了自己的對狗兒的真心話,幾乎讓一條保護狗的法案過關,看的當兒以為那法案過了,因為沒看完那段就又轉走了,以為是過了。 第三次又因在看的電影上廣告,再轉過去,艾兒伍茲被安排到國會去演講,那中間是講到她去saloon做頭髮,老仙英文聽力還沒好到不看字幕就能抄出來,以下是到網上捉出來的,出處很多,但原出處就是Legally Blonde2,所以就不特別標示: ....they had an opening. So I was finally going to get the chance to sit in one of those sacred beauty chairs. I was so excited. Then the colorist gave me Brassy Briggite instead of Harlow Honey. The shampoo girl washed my hair with spiral perm solution instead of color intensive moisturizing conditioning shampoo. finally the stylist, gave me a bob, with bangs. Suffice to say it was just wrong, all wrong, for me. you know? First I was angry and then I realized my anger was completely misdirected. I mean this wasn’t the salon’s fault. I had sat there and witnessed this injustice and I had just let it happen. I didn’t get involved, in the process. I forgot to use my voice. I forgot to believe in myself but now I know better. I know that one honest voice can be louder than a crowd. I know that if we lose our voice or let those who speak on our behalf, compromise our voice than this country, this country is in for a really bad haircut. So speak up 當老仙看到黃世銘說「問心無愧」,很是感動!當下就上網去訂了一盆植物去挺他,1850元,預訂星期一中午以前會送到。 老仙標的就是“One honest voice can be louder than a crowd. 要挺住!”,下款署名老蓋仙第二。 老仙相信經過司法與憲法的程序後,最後就會產生憲政慣例以供後人使用!天佑台灣!
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |