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2007/02/12 11:27:24瀏覽123|回應0|推薦0

This is another chapter in my life. Sometimes I can write what I want, and yet there are other times that I couldn't say what I really feel. This is the very moment of latter.

From time to time, I feel lost and sad. And many of my friends feel the same way more or less. So, when things happened, some of us seemed to know nothing to help each other. What I saw was accuse and it hurt much.

Friendship should be helpful. But when friends are sad themselves, you can't hope the kind of help from them really. This makes me think a lot. Perhaps, I am the one who withhold too much feelings for myself. That' s the reason, they hardly know me at all. Or, some of them just chose to neglect it. Whatever it is, I got to learn to hold on my true feelings and let bygone be bygone. I guess this is the only way I can do for the time being.

So, just let go what you can't hold and you can't do.

And be yourself!

( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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