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21/31: Thanksgiveing 2016.
2016/11/18 05:21:07瀏覽1365|回應0|推薦0
Thursday, November 17, 2016. Thanksgiving party.
1. There isn't a place where we can't meet people.
    Our predisposition makes it possible for us to meet all another classmates at LARA .

2. We enjoyed an early Thanksgiving meal with our classmates from LARA. Folks from all over the world have common bonds with Thanksgiving, including LARA, Dear Trish Maxwell Director, all of the teachers, and volunteers. Thank you for your support of us in learning English and improving our ability.

3. At that moment, my heart was full of joy and thankfulness to thank Sue Ann our teacher. I thank her for the many kindnesses she has shown me, but she was not come to LARA today.
4. Sue Ann Cornell, Volunteer: special presentation. Thursday, November 4, 2014.
5. Sue Ann said, "This is quite nice for you to say, Jack. Thank you".
Trish Maxwell Director written.
Sue Ann written.
Sue Ann written.
Sue Ann written.
6. May this Thanksgiving give us more reason to thank Dear Trish Maxwell Director, all teachers and volunteers each day!
pumpkin bread.

Sidney gave me a bamboo STEAMER.

What are you doing?

Bamboo STEAMER, I got it from Sidney.


I was naughty.

What are you looking at?

I was awesome.


I was naughty.

What are you looking at?

I was awesome.


I was naughty.

What are you looking at?

I was awesome.

13. November 15, 2016. P.M.3:22, The brightest moon in almost 69 years will be lighting up the sky .
The brightest moon in the sky at the zenith.
My grandson in Taiwan was vivacious, naughty and awesome.
The brightest moon in almost 69 years will be lighting up the sky this week in a treat for star watchers around the globe.
         The phenomenon known as the super moon will reach its most luminescent in North America before dawn on Monday. It will reach its zenith in Asia and the South Pacific on Monday night. Across the international dateline in New Zealand, it will reach its brightest after midnight on Tuesday local time. Next time will be November 25, 2034.

14. Picture at the Cumberland Park West Lafayette, IN.
15 .
16. Thursday, October 27, 2016. Halloween party. touch the left words.

17 . Tokyo College of Music High School 東京音楽大学付属高等学校, Celine Chen was at that High School.
Violin: Celine Chen performing at LARA. touch the blue words.
18 . dragonfly
It's Thanksgiving time again !
During this time, it makes me think of my late mother. I am grateful for what she taught me when I was young.
I also think about my late oldest brother who trained me professionally.
In U.S., I feel the tender care from my son-in-law and my daughter and the love from my wife.
Truthfully, I'm very thankful for my God's infinite love. I'm very grateful in this Thanksgiving season.

Yahoo Dictionary

1. surgery---2. phenomenon---3. luminescent---4. zenith---5. maffian.名詞 1. (M-)黑手黨 2. 祕密犯罪集團---6.--- bah 1. (表示輕蔑、厭惡等)呸!---7. humbug KK[ˋhʌm͵bʌg] DJ[ˋhʌmbʌg] n.名詞 1. 騙子;假冒者 2. 詭計;騙局 3. 騙人的話;胡說八道---8.---9.---10.---11.---12.---13---
( 知識學習健康 )
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