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21/3:teacher classmate
2011/06/29 07:09:39瀏覽307|回應0|推薦2

Subject:The teacher, tutor, classmate,Family.

Taiwanese folk song 江蕙 JODY & Placido Domingo Flowers in the rainy night

Date:Friday, June 24, 2011

I USED: Coffee,cooies, Home work.

I Studied: The teacher, tutor, classmate,Family.


(1)Afghanistan,(2)kazakhstan,(3)Ethiopia,(4)Nepal,(5)Mexico,(6)Sri Lank,(7)Japm,(8)Korea,(9)Taiwan,

The Almighty teacher go to classroom before A.M.8:00 every morning
the Almighty teacher Jacki was a school principal & classroom friend

classroom my Almighty teacher

The Almighty teacher Jacki

5s This classmate is from TAIPEI TAIWAN

6s classmate from NEPAL, JAPAM ,TAIPEI TAIWAN

9s teacher and classmate ↑ ↑ ↑

Taiwan Poem

(1)人生無處不相逢,(2)有緣相逢 LA RA 中。(3)相逢何必曾相識,(4)同是國外取經人。That’s Taiwan Poem,Every sentence are seven words. That's mean is

(1)There isn't a place where we can't meet people.

(2)Our predisprosion makes it possible for us to meet one another in LA RA .

(3) When we encounter each other,is there a need to get to know each other ?

(4) We are all foreigners who pass through here and are meant to bring something intangibly valuable with us !

(?) Wonderful ! we are lucky,we are happy,with everbody, to study. meet the Almighty, teacher Jacki

(?) I ask the Almighty teacher modify this page please ?

11s teacher and classmate

12s teacher and classmate

13s coffee break

14s coffee break

16s coffee break

17s coffee break

18s coffee break

19s classmate from Korea






E mail lee2940@hotmail.com

I had a blog . http://blog.udn.com/lee29405

That’s made in Taiwan. and it’s introduction about of Acupuncture and Meridenian theory.

I need a new blog made in Indiana,It write all in english at before long future. for diary and I would like to share my knowledge in acupuncture with everybody .

How do I get it ? OR The Almighty teacher proxy application a blog give me.

We ask the Almighty teacher for strength,and to help us.

Best regards,

Jack Lee

( 知識學習健康 )
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