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22/10: hailstones (an ice storm) weather
2014/09/14 15:52:59瀏覽207|回應0|推薦0


When: July ~ August, 2014

Where:Brown ST. West Lafayette.

Hail is a form of solid precipitation. It is distinct from sleet, though the two are often confused for one another. It consists of balls or irregular lumps of ice, each of which is called a hailstone.

Touch the right blue words Snow , Rain, and hailstones weather in my house!

snow and rain which falls when it is very cold 凍雨﹐雨夾雪

雹或冰雹(英語:Hail)是一種固態降水物,系圓形或圓錐形的冰塊,由透明層和不透明層相間組成;直徑一般為 5~50毫米,大的亦可達到10厘米以上。冰雹是在對流雲所形成的積雨雲中形成,當水氣隨氣流上升遇冷會凝結成小水滴,若隨著高度增加溫度繼續降低,達到攝氏零度以下時,水滴就凝結成冰粒;在它上升運動過程中,並會吸附其周圍小冰粒或水滴而增大,直到因其重量增加而下降,當其降落至較高溫度區時,其表面會融解成水;同時亦會吸附周圍的小水滴,此時若又遇強大之上升氣流再被抬升,其凝結成冰粒又不斷凝結變大,直到因自身重量而下落,若降到地面時未融化解成水則仍呈固態的冰粒或冰雹。而冰亦對農作物與建築物有一定危害。
( 知識學習健康 )
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