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22/45:Shihline Residens (December 14,2017)
2017/12/16 07:02:02瀏覽565|回應0|推薦0
U.S. 1. ( November 17, 2017)Thanksgiving Party. (at L.A.R.A.), IN U.S.A.
We always have turkey for our Thanksgiving meal.

U.S. 2.( November 17, 2017)Thanksgiving Party.

1.Kiyoko and I went to the Shihline Residens to practice a stand Yoga exercise and to look chrysanthemum(mum) show. in TAIPEI TAIWAN

4.practice a stand Yoga exercise
elder sister planted  gold mandarin orange.
guava tree
6. (December 15,2017)
I am visited with a cardiology doctor of SHIN KONG Memorial Hospital at a noonday, then my daughter invited us to dinner at a Taiwanese restaurant.
7. (Saturday, December 17,2017)
We are take walking around the Shihling Residence park and exercise.
Chrysanthemum show.

8. (Monday, December 18,2017)
I must go to clinic to do some things today.
1.to drew blood.
2. to make electrocardiogram.
9. (Wednesday, December 20, 2017)
Kiyoko and I went the new hot spring area in the river bank that water quality no good.
My favorite place is the open hot spring area in the Mazu Cave
The hot spring water quality of the Mazu Cave

The vandalism of the City Government was broken hot spring of Mazu Cave areas.

The Hot spring broken by YANG MING SHAN PARK Management Office,
and once again by the Taipei city government

10. (Friday, December 22,2017)
Today is the first day of midwinter, we cooked many dinner foods salute our ancestor's memory.
11. (Saturday, December 23,2017)
We take walking around at Yamg Ming Shan park, we went to Honling trail and pass through a bamboo tunnel.
12. (Monday, December 25,2017)
People send each other cards and presents at Christmas, also people often sayings, "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!"
13. (Tuesday, December 26,2017)
Nuclear Medicine.
14. We are take walking around the Shihling Residence park and exercise.
16. (Sunday, January 14,2018)--Kiyoko and I went to her aunt's Temple asked bless.
17. (Sunday, January 14,2018)
18. (Sunday, January 14,2018)

( 知識學習健康 )
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