(星島週刊 04/15/2007 第678 期)
專家提出, 每天喝一勺蜂蜜就可以遠離傷風 氣喘瘙癢 咳嗽等季節性過敏症狀。蜂蜜能夠預防過敏的原因有兩個:一 是其中含有微量的蜂毒。蜂毒是蜜蜂體內的一種有毒液體,但在臨床上被用於支氣管哮喘等過敏性疾病的治療。二 是蜂蜜裹面含有一定的花粉粒,經常喝會對花粉過敏產生一定的抵抗能力。
(1) 紅 棗10 枚, 水煎服,每日3 次。
(2) 生食紅棗,每次10克,每日3次。
(3) 紅棗10枚,大麥 100 克, 加水煎服,日服2-3次。
日本專家發現胡蘿卜中的 β-胡蘿蔔素能有效預防花粉過敏症,過敏性皮炎等過敏反應。據有關報道,日本專家通過實驗鼠研究發現,β-胡蘿蔔素能調節細胞內的平衡,使實驗鼠難出現過敏反應。
Get Ready for the Allergy Season
(Translated from Sing Tao Weekly 04/15/2007 No. 678)
During the allergy season in spring, certain food can play an important role in prevention of allergy.
Experts say, taking a spoonful of honey every day can keep you away from the common cold, asthma, coughing, and seasonal allergies. Honey can prevent allergies for two reasons: First, it contains a small amount of venom. Bee venom is toxic, but has been used in clinical asthma and other allergic diseases. Second, honey contains certain pollens and having honey in your body can build resistance against allergy.
Japanese researchers found that jujube contains a large number of anti-allergic materials which can prevent allergic reactions from occurring. Patients who have allergies can always take dates in one of the methods:
(1) 10 red dates, make tea by boiling them in water, drink 3 times a day.
(2) eat raw dates, each time 10 grams, 3 times a day.
(3) 10 red dates, 100 grams of barley, boil them in water, eat them, 2-3 times daily.
Continue with dosage in any of the above methods until allergy symptoms goes away. It is better off to break the dates apart before boiling them in water. Do not add sugar.
Flammulina, a kind of edible straw mushroom, often helps in getting rid of metal ions, toxins and waste. This can effectively enhance body functions to fight allergies. Singapore researchers found, mushroom straws contain protein that can inhibit asthma, nose itching, eczema and other allergic inflammatory disease. People with illness can take this kind of mushroom to enhance the immune system.
Japanese experts found that β-carotene in carrots can prevent hay fever, allergic dermatitis and other allergic reaction. According to the reports, from tests conducted on mice, experts found that β-carotene can keep intracellular activity balance, hence hard for mice to have allergy. menu