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Standard English?
2009/11/28 02:41:27瀏覽276|回應0|推薦0

今年在訓練外交小尖兵時,我請兩位外籍交換學生Mariah和 Rebekka協助我審視話劇比賽劇本

兩人為了一句 "The structure is so different from that of my country." 爭執不下

Rebekka, a girl from America, said it didn't make any sense.

Mariah, a girl from Canada, said that it was  ok with her. It sounded proper.

Rebekka 突如其來得說 "You Canadian!!" 一副不認同的"江湖口氣",道盡了文化差異以及高張的民族意識

我這個 non-native speaker只得出聲緩和氣氛,開玩笑地說 "You two just go fighting outside. Then tell me who the winner is." "Actually, Lucy ,who plays one of the parts in the play and has this line,  is a French. It doesn't matter."

"Yeh! Since she is a French, it won't make any trouble." Mariah smiled and said.


依稀記得以前在Global Village跟著帥哥老師"跑班"的學習生涯


只見眼前這位British老帥哥一副不置可否的說 "That  American! He's always doing something awkward!"


就像是大陸人對著老外說 "要學中文,就應該到北京學. 其他地方都是化外之邦!!" 

其實活語言是會隨著時間改變的,了解它 接受它 使用它, 能溝通是上策不是嗎?? 只要不要錯得離譜即可不是嗎?


( 知識學習語言 )
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