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@@紐時重批:川普陷入謊言迷宮且還在說謊/ Meryl Streep Slams Donald Trump in Powerful Golden Globe
2017/01/10 19:19:48瀏覽134|回應0|推薦2


2017-01-10 17:15聯合報 記者馮克芸╱即時報導

影星梅莉史翠普(Mery Streep)在8日晚間的金球獎頒獎典禮中,提到川普去年曾嘲諷紐約時報調查記者柯瓦列斯基。川普後來在推特中強烈反擊梅莉史翠普,且說他並未嘲諷柯瓦列斯基。紐約時報9日刊出主筆Lawrence Downes掛名的評論,重批川普,這篇文章的標題是: 「陷在自己謊言中的川普還在說謊。悲哀!」











VIDEO: Meryl Streep Slams Donald Trump in Powerful Golden Globes 2017 Cecil B DeMille Speech

VIDEO: Meryl Streep Slams Donald Trump in Powerful Golden Globes 2017 Cecil B DeMille Speech

Meryl Streep slammed Donald Trump in her powerful speech for the Cecil B DeMille Award at the 2017 Golden Globe Awards.

“Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners, and if you kick us all out, you’ll have nothing to watch except for football and mixed martial arts, which are not arts,” Meryl said in her speech.

“There was nothing good about it, but it did its job,” Meryl said during the speech, referencing Donald‘s mocking of disabled reporter Serge Kovaleski. “It kind of broke my heart when I saw it, and I still can’t get it out my head because it wasn’t in a movie, it was in real life. That instinct to humiliate when it’s modeled by someone in a public platform, it filters down into everyone’s life because it gives permission for others to do the same.”

“Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence,” Meryl added. “When the powerful use their position to bully others we all lose…We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call them on the carpet for every outrage … We’re going to need them going forward and they’re going to need us to safeguard the truth.”


( 時事評論國際 )
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