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〈NBA〉Allen執行選擇權 熱火豪華稅逼近9億/Ray Allen exercises player option to stay with the Mia
2013/06/29 18:28:27瀏覽255|回應0|推薦0

〈NBA〉Allen執行選擇權 熱火豪華稅逼近9億

根據多家美國媒體報導,幫助熱火衛冕總冠軍的老將Ray Allen已於今天(29日)執行下賽季價值320萬美元的球員選擇權,加上幾位球員跟進,熱火下賽季支付的豪華稅逼近3000萬美元(約9億台幣)。



不只Allen決定留下,James Jones(150萬美元)、Rashard Lewis(140萬美元)也都執行下賽季的球員選擇權,這使得熱火的豪華稅來到約3000萬美元。

因此目前傳言指出,在Allen留下後,熱火有可能會對Mike Miller使用大赦條款,如此一來就可節省大約1400萬美元的豪華稅款。

僅管熱火總裁Pat Riley曾說想留下Miller,但決定權還是操之在老闆Micky Arison手上。

雷·阿倫 Ray Allen -- The killer pf Spurs
出生: 1975 年 7 月 20 日(37 歲), 美國加利福尼亞州美熹德
身高: 1.96 公尺
目前效力球隊: 邁阿密熱火 (#34 / 得分後衛)
年薪: 309 萬美元(2012 年)


NBA/Ray Allen exercises player option to stay with the Miami Heat

By Zach Harper | NBA writer
June 28, 2013 6:21 pm

It's not hard to see why Allen wanted to stay with Miami. (USATSI) 

It's not hard to see why Ray Allen wants to stay with Miami. (USATSI)

Throughout the Miami Heat's battle through the Eastern Conference finals against the Indiana Pacers and the NBA Finals against the San Antonio Spurs, Ray Allen mentioned a few times his team's success was justification for the tough decision he made last summer. Allen chose to leave the Boston Celtics to join the Heat to try to win titles.

After receiving much flak for it and being accused of being a traitor by some of the fan base, Allen helped prove it was the right decision when he saved Miami's season with his 3-pointer at the end of regulation in Game 6 against the Spurs. The all-time leading 3-point shooter will stay with the Heat next season, too. He exercised his player option for 2013-14. From the Heat:

The Miami HEAT announced today that guard Ray Allen has exercised his player option for the 2013-14 season. Per club policy, terms of the deal were not disclosed.

He's the perfect role player for the Heat. He spreads the floor with his 3-point shooting and is always a bad idea to leave open on a rotation. He's made more than 40 percent of his 3-pointers in four of his past five seasons. He made 41.9 percent of his 3s this past season for the Heat.

( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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