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不同世代六巨頭對決/ Spurs-Heat Game 2 preview/Queston 馬刺勝率為何??
2013/06/09 18:19:57瀏覽125|回應0|推薦0

NBA總冠軍賽 /不同世代六巨頭對決

2013/6/5 12:24 分享 


休息好幾天的馬刺,在主場進行最後一次的練球,他們將挑戰自2007年之後的,第一座NBA總冠軍總冠軍賽第一場,台灣時間7日,馬刺將在邁阿密對上衛冕軍熱火,馬刺三巨頭GDP、Manu Ginobili、Tim Duncan以及Tony Parker,和熱火三巨頭LCD、LeBron James、Chris Bosh以及Dwyane Wade的對決,最令人矚目這兩個不同世代的六巨頭,手上總共有14枚冠軍戒指,熱火三巨頭平均年齡不到30歲,正值生涯巔峰,而馬刺三巨頭平均年齡超過34歲

不過總冠軍賽經驗豐富,37歲的Duncan,在禁區依然是一柱擎天,至於誰來防守小皇帝,馬刺已經有了人選,身高201公分的Kawhi Leonard,身材和James差不多,如果他真能守住,那麼馬刺就很有機會了。
Duncan 1976年生、1997年進入NBA;Bosh是1984年生、2003年進入NBA,兩人年齡差距不大,不過當前者已經叱?職業戰場時,Bosh不過是位高中生,一個正逢偶像崇拜的年紀。


佩娃註 讀到這篇時 有點晚 因其內容還不錯 故予上

Spurs Roundtable: Spurs-Heat Game 2 preview (Video)

On this episode of the Project Spurs-News 4 San Antonio Spurs Roundtable, Project Spurs' Aaron Preine, Quixem Ramirez and Jeff Garcia get Spurs fans ready for Game 2 of the Spurs-Heat NBA Finals series.

With San Antonio up 1-0 early in the series, the panel takes a look back at a few areas including what the Spurs did right, Tim Duncan's slow start, and Kawhi Leonard's defense on LeBron James. Needless to say, the group had differing opinions on just how effective Leonard was defensively on James.

The panel also takes a look ahead at Game 2 which starts tomorrow and give our adjustments the Spurs need to make and give our predictions.

All this and much more on this episode of the Spurs Roundtable including Quixem having his "entourage" in studio.




Question: Now, San Antonio won game 1 in the best of seven system. What is the winning probability that

if team A has won game 1? That is. What is the prob. that Spurs can win the series this

ndame , team A won. Then ….

當然我們是假設兩隊實力相當 每場贏輸機會各半的情況下

1)     If the next configuration is WL after the 2nd game, i.e. team A lost the 2ndngame. Then the winning prob. of teams A = 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4

2)     If the next configuration is WW after the 2nd game, then

Case i) WWW afterd game 3, team A winning Prob. = 1/4 * 15 /16 = 15/64. That is, team A can

win the champion unless it lost in all 4 remaining games.

Case ii) WWL afterd game 3, if WWLL after game 4, then the winning prob. of team A = 1/8 *

1/2  = 1/16.

Otherwise,  if WWLW after game 4, the winning prob. of team A =

    1/8 * 7/8 = 7/64.

Hence, the winning prb. Of team A = 1/4 + 15/64 + 1/16 + 7/64 = 42/64 = 21/32.

It is about 5/32 + 1/2 = 0.65625


( 興趣嗜好運動 )
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