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2014/06/07 19:46:30瀏覽218|回應0|推薦3 | |
— 在凱儷星球緊緊抓住這一片土 鞭炮聲響起 風揚起塵土 二股河流汩汩流 樹留不住葉 抬起手 坐上公車 抬頭望見 我是隨風飄零的葉 I thought I was a tree This is a land seize Firecrackers rang Wind up dust two stocks river gurgling stream Failed to keep the tree leaves Raised his hand and get on the bus I looked up and saw the wind is blowing leaf ------------------------ 我的部落格:凱儷喵.雜貨樂園 http://blog.xuite.net/kelly.so/twblog http://kellycat168.blogspot.tw/ http://www.streetvoice.com/kellycat http://blog.udn.com/kellyso 凱儷練功房 http://bety2267.pixnet.net/blog http://blog.yam.com/kellycat2007 |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |