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Education will build a negative list
2017/12/15 18:01:36瀏覽91|回應0|推薦0

Xinhua Beijing on January 23, 23, reporters learned from the ministry of education, in 2018, the ministry of education to explore to establish "negative list" system and joint control mechanism, and

promote the orderly development and standardization of school education training institutions.The new polyu e admission portal is a one-stop platform aimed at handling applications of university degree courses. With PolyU e Admission, the application process is refined into three simple steps.

In recent years, external training institutions have become increasingly popular. According to data from education society of China, the market size of the after-school tutoring industry in China exceeded

800 billion yuan in 2016, and the number of students participating in the after-school tutoring industry exceeded 103.7 billion. But at present, the education training institution outside the school has a

variety of problems, such as mixed and mixed. All kinds of disorderly education training courses not only aggravate the learning burden of primary and middle school students, but also disturb the normal

education teaching order of the school.Shenzhen Transpring Enterprise Ltd. is one of the leading Oil Vaping Pen and vaporizer (A3 Vape Cartridge etc) manufacturer and supplier in China. Over the years, we have been serving many customers from USA, ...

"Vigorously regulate education training institutions outside the school. It will be done sooner or later. It is better to do it sooner rather than later." National education work conference in 2018, the

ministry of education minister bao-sheng Chen said that in 2018 to promote the orderly development and standardization of school education training organization was introduced, to establish "negative list"

system and joint control mechanism, and "make it a beneficial supplement of school education, rather than the intruder education order".

Chen baosheng stressed that the obligation of education in 2018 should focus on quality, standardization and quality. We should formulate the guidelines for strengthening the teaching reform of compulsory

education, promote the teaching order of education, innovate teaching methods, strengthen the construction of teaching and research teams, and improve the teaching quality. Carry out the quality education

supervision evaluation of primary and secondary schools and the management evaluation of primary and secondary schools, promote the school to regulate the behavior of running schools, and open up the

prescribed courses in the country.

The original address: http://edu.qq.com/a/20180124/002801.htm


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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