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[ 美國原裝 ] Aloha Bay, Chakra Energy Candle, Positive Energy, 11 oz
2017/01/21 13:02:39瀏覽27|回應0|推薦0

Aloha Bay, Chakra Energy Candle, Positive Energy, 11 oz心得


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Aloha Bay, Chakra Energy Candle, Positive Energy, 11 oz商品



Aloha Bay, Chakra Energy Candle, Positive Energy, 11 oz價格



而且~~~ 24小時就宅配到府,真的讓我買

Aloha Bay, Chakra Energy Candle, Positive Energy, 11 oz心得 很滿意


Aloha Bay, Chakra Energy Candle, Positive Energy, 11 oz


Aloha Bay, Chakra Energy Candle, Positive Energy, 11 oz介紹

  • Visuddha - Throat Center
  • 100% Pure Essential Oils
  • Moroccan Rose · Chamomile
The throat chakra is the center of communication. You will be drawn to meet new and wonderful people and embrace experiences that will encourage your spiritual growth.

Empowerment Candle

Choose a peaceful space, set aside for prayer and meditation. If you have a sacred image, you can present the unlit candle as an offering. Breathe, fully and deeply. Feel the infinite blessing power of the Divine. Picture the changes you are contemplating with great faith, love, and affirmation. Light the candle. Sit quietly for a while, holding the image of accomplished change, then release it all to the Divine.

Caution: Do not use if damaged. Burn on heat-resistant surface. Keep wick trimmed to about 3/8". Avoid drafts. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Keep jar free of wick trimmings & other debris. Never leave a burning candle unattended.


Aloha Bay


賀年-黑糖發糕 洗浴及美容


爆炒鹽酥蝦 蠟燭



Aloha Bay, Chakra Energy Candle, Positive Energy, 11 oz商品



Aloha Bay, Chakra Energy Candle, Positive Energy, 11 oz商品

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