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2013/08/09 00:06:42瀏覽594|回應0|推薦12 | |
童話~寄 無子 黃金十年 2013/08/08
++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ 以下文章來自網路。7http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!EbZOgL6aExsLaJp0wNih/article?mid=2377
分享編號:1005 簡 介 夫妻、朋友、親子之間的因果關係,許多是前世互相為敵,因此這輩子要來修練愛的功課。無上師闡明愛是所有問題的解決之道,所以耶穌基督說:「要愛你的敵人!」 內容摘要
DVD 1005 人間天堂的來臨將比我們預想的早 日期:二〇一二年四月三日 地點:法國 清海無上師與世人分享好消息:地球得以再延長五十年以上!全球各地好徵兆如雨後春筍:中國動物保護意識越來越高、有些領袖也成為素食者、更多城市的公共場所禁菸、新型純素小吃攤車及純素商店流行、更多和平會談等等。無上師開心地表示:「人間天堂的來臨比我們預想的早!」 夫妻、朋友、親子之間的因果關係,許多是前世互相為敵,因此這輩子要來修練愛的功課。無上師闡明愛是所有問題的解決之道,所以耶穌基督說:「要愛你的敵人!」 DVD1005 Paradise Is Coming Sooner Than We Think Date: April 3, 2012 Place: France Supreme Master Ching Hai shares with us the great news that the continuation of our Earth has been extended for 50 years, and more. Auspicious signs are appearing around the world. For example, in China, awareness of animal protection is on the rise; more world leaders are becoming vegans; a growing number of cities have banned cigarette smoking in public places; new style vegan carts and vegan food stores are expanding in popularity; and more countries are seeking resolution through peace talks. Supreme Master Ching Hai happily proclaims, “Paradise is coming sooner than we think!” Master also explains the karmic nature of personal relationships such as husband and wife, friends, and children and parents. Many of us were enemies in previous lives, and we need to practice love in this life. Reminding of Jesus’ wisdom when he said, “Love your enemies,” Master emphasizes that a loving approach is the only solution to all problems. 出版社網站DVD首頁的網址: http://www.smchbooks.com/new-c/dvd/index.htm氏
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