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2010/08/05 17:15:14瀏覽331|回應0|推薦10

Having good friends appears to boost survival 有好朋友似乎可以提高存活率

Having a good network of friends and neighbours boosts survival chances by 50%, US researchers believe. The Brigham Young University team came to this figure by number-crunching data from nearly 150 studies looking at survival odds and social networks.


And they calculate that having few friends is as damaging to survival as smoking 15 cigarettes a day or being alcoholic, PLoS Medicine reports.They believe caring about others makes us take better care of ourselves.


But they warn that in today’s modern world social networks are deteriorating as we struggle to juggle careers and families and find a happy work-life balance. Losing this social support, they say, cuts survival odds far more than being obese or not exercising.


Lead researcher Julianne Holt-Lundstad says there are many ways in which friends, colleagues and family can boost health and wellbeing. "When someone is connected to a group and feels responsibility for other people, that sense of purpose and meaning translates to taking better care of themselves and taking fewer risks."


( 知識學習健康 )
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