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全民英檢文法- 授與動詞
2014/09/22 21:53:26瀏覽959|回應0|推薦0


give buy 是最常見的授與動詞。

五大句型中,句型五: S + V + O + O 的動詞是「授與動詞」。




主詞      +      授與動詞 +      間接受詞 +      直接受詞





1. He gave me a Kindle Fire.

他給了我一個 Kindle FireKindle Fire Amazon 開發的平板電腦。

me 是間接受詞; Kindle Fire 是直接受詞。


2. Larry bought her a doll.

Larry 給她買了一個洋娃娃。

her 是間接受詞; a doll 是直接受詞。







直接受詞若是放在間接受詞的前面,一定要有介系詞 to for

使用 to for 依動詞而定。




主詞      +      授與動詞 +      直接受詞 +      to/for        +      間接受詞





1. He gave a Kindle Fire to me.

若把直接受詞 Kindle Fire 放在間接受詞 me 前面,須要有介系詞 to


2. Larry bought a doll for her.

Larry 給她買了一個洋娃娃。

若把直接受詞 a doll 放在間接受詞 her 前面,須要有介系詞 for



使用介系詞 to 的授與動詞:

allow      cause give  hand

lend        offer owe  pass

pay promise     read  sell

send        show take  teach

tell write




1. She handed me a ticket.

   She handed a ticket to me.



2. I wrote my mother a letter.

   I wrote a letter to my mother.



3. Her parents promised her a new iPhone if she passed her exams.

   Her parents promised a new iPhone to her if she passed her exams.

她的父母答應她一個新的 iPhone,如果她通過考試。








使用介系詞 for 的授與動詞

buy choose       cook save

fetch       find  get    leave

make      order pick  reserve





1. Henry bought his mother an iPad for birthday present.

   He bought her an iPad.

亨利買一個 iPad給他的母親當生日禮物。



授與動詞 bought 有兩個受詞: his mother her 是間接受詞;an iPad 是直接受詞 。


   He bought an iPad for his mother.

   He bought an iPad for her.


直接受詞 "an iPad" 放在間接受詞 his mother her 的前面,須要有介系詞 for



2. Has she found herself a place to live yet?

   Has she found a place for herself to live yet?





資料來源: 基礎實用文法

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