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What is Ultrasonic Bonding?
2014/10/27 13:48:28瀏覽58|回應0|推薦2

Ultrasonic bonding, also referred to ultrasonic lamination, uses the conversion of acoustic energy to heat to form spot welds of specific size in exact locations.  This technique is an ideal method to join layers of different or similar materials (nonwovens, films, composites, or fabrics) into a single composite or laminate. The layers of raw material are arranged and brought together as in any traditional lamination process to pass over a central rotating roll or “anvil”. 


Ultrasonic bonding system is a non-contact and therefore non-wearing process.  As the layers to be laminated move across the dwell area, the layers are not stretched or pressured onto the anvil.  For effective bonding, the layers need to be flat and almost lie in a relaxed state as they dwell over the peak, so the conversion of acoustic energy to heat for bonding is not dissipated or wasted.

( 知識學習科學百科 )
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