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Digital Content Design for Digital Signage System
2014/10/07 15:24:14瀏覽73|回應0|推薦2

Content design (much like the design for a static sign) is typically done through a specialist agency or, alternatively, by an "in-house" individual, team, or department. While there are a great number of different software solutions available, the most popular are proprietary to digital signs. The use of other digital signage systems to run a digital sign network often does not provide the necessary flexibility and management, as the proprietary software can create conflicts with open-source software.


Using the included software suite, playlists can be created in a matter of minutes. Content is transferred over IP to the internal memory of the DSP. User-created playlists can contain multiple digital signage file formats such as audio files, video files, scrolling text and background music. This content can be set to play individually or combined for playback at different times of the day, week, or month. Landscape and portrait style displays are supported. 

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