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Printed Circuit Board Assembly
2014/09/12 17:41:22瀏覽58|回應0|推薦2

The assembly of printed circuit boards is a multiple step process that includes surface mount technology (SMT) and through hole technology. In through hole assembly processes, the component leads are placed onto the board and the leads are soldered via a wave soldering process. The state of the art technology nowadays can produce PCBs with two layers or multiple layers, and use a variety of assembly methods to complete each board.

The custom printed circuit board assembly and construction services include combined construction that is rigid and flexible, double-sided boards, and mixed technology of SMT and thru hole, SMOBC, and multilayer. Working with a variety of materials, such as fiberglass, FR-4, polyester, polyamide, and PTFE, allows us to offer our customers a solution that will be right for them.

( 知識學習科學百科 )
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