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2008/12/09 23:08:45瀏覽2089|回應34|推薦155 | |
引用博客獨白 (daidihu)文章雪事三則 Catch the Snow 3) Catch the Snow (承Ms.博客獨白之命 翻譯以下英文) Once upon a time there were two little girls both blond but only one with curls The girl with no curl took the girl with curls to the park when it start to snow because they did know how to play "catch the snow" So they stood right in front of each other And had their cherry mouths open Their pink tongues were stretched out With endless joy they start to count one, two, three, four, five... light, nearly weightless soft, nearly formless falling the snow with dancing and touching rhythm on their hands hold behind on their half closed eyes on their little noses and tongues... Once upon a time there were two little girls they knew well how to play "catch the snow" For it kept falling silently on head and face And turned their laughter into snow and white No longer did they need to seek and hide As the snow will be lasting forever young and fresh 很久以前有兩個金髮小女孩,一個叫盈盈, 一個叫賢賢. 由於DNA美妙的造化, 盈盈直爽的個性如同她一頭美麗的直髮,賢賢凡事多慮就像她那奇怪的捲髮. 一日賢賢對盈盈說: 媽咪說冬天不可以吃剉冰,否則會感冒. 盈盈說:每年冬天我都在公園吃免費的剉冰,是上帝親手做的,祂的剉冰不會感冒. 賢賢帶著懷疑的眼光:真的嗎?我從來沒吃過. 盈盈答:妳一定要嚐嚐看,那是最奇妙的滋味. (下一幕) 公園有兩個小女孩, 雪花由天上輕輕飄下,兩人開心的面對面站著,張著嘴快樂的伸出舌頭,數著1 2 3 4 5 迎接上帝的剉冰(等一下,這一幕有點怪怪的,舌頭伸出來,怎麼能夠數 1 2 3 4 5?) (再下一幕) 兩個金髮老太太坐在藤製搖椅上悠閒的看著夕陽西下. 直髮老太太:記得我們在公園吃剉冰的時光嗎? 捲髮老太太:怎麼可能忘記?有個大女生拿著一籃雞蛋對著一個男生砸, 口裡還罵著: Ricardo!你在寫什麼東西?! |
( 心情隨筆|其他 ) |