Serendipity 瓶子返台80天重拾部落格 伊涵 venus, moon & stars 李家若 提琴 小新(心)~ 牛仔3號 AL sunism
I too love the blonde one. Even though I’ve seen many, this one’s definitely a classic.
Now, you see blonde or you see Google?
The one says "You are here!" is hilarious...., also the dumb blonde joke.
Thank you.
Happy Weekend to you too.
A smiling Fox
Thanks for the smile you inspired!
Thanks for sharing lots of the humorous comics. I do smile. Besides, thanks for the note---Happy Teacher's Day. Haha, actually, I am happy every day.
Wish you a pleasant weekend, too. Take care of yourself, especially when the typhoon comes.
I get really excited when typhoon comes, because I enjoy the power of nature!