訪客簿  我要留言 共有 133 則留言
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It is nice to hear from you. You can write in Chinese.
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2012/11/29 14:23

So I become an English teacher and spent a lot of time facing the sutuation.

2012/11/29 14:22

I found that I make a mistake, so I revise it.

 I am an English teacher but my Englsih is not good enough.

2012/11/29 14:19

I can understand what you write in English if it is not too difficult.^_^

I like to make friends, a true friend which is frank and honest. I believe that a true friend can company each other forever.

There are a lot of writers in udn. We can become friends means 我們有緣(I don't know how to explain 有緣 in English.) Maybe, you can teach me how to say it.

Can you introduce yourself and let us to know each other more?

I am 44 years old and I am marrige. I have a daughter and a son. They are twelve years old. But one is a junior high school student and one is an elementary school student. I am English teacher but my Englsih is not good enough. It's interesting, isn't it? In fact, I don't English all the time.  However, God give me a chance to face my fear. God wants me to face my problems. So I become an English and spent a lot of time facing the sutuation.  Now, I am not afraid speaking English and writing English though I still have no confidence in myself.

  You are good at English, of course. Are there any problems about reading my English writing? Hope you can understand what I am writing.  And if there are any mistakes in this letter, can you just tell me about it? Tnaks a lot.  Pearl

Thank you. 

2012/11/28 02:33

Are you Chinese? I am curious about this.

I can write easy English. If the sentences were too complicated, I can't understand them.  I am haapy you can understand what I am writing.

Hope you enjoy reading my story all the time. Thank you.

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