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【限時活動搶便宜】Brevi Baby Swing Althea 限定產品活動產品
2019/01/16 09:34:58瀏覽15|回應0|推薦0


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Brevi Baby Swing Althea 2018

Brevi's baby swing Althea will help you master the challenging and stressful everyday life with a baby. This super cosy and comfortable baby swing embraces your child, supplies him with entertainment and lets him sleep peacefully right from the very first day.人氣產品生日送禮推薦

Many convenient setting options entertain and calm your child. You can choose between eight wonderful melodies that can be combined with five adjustable swinging modes and thus supply your child with a relaxing atmosphere. There are also three timing options that allow you to decide how long your little one can a swing. The swinging motion will remind your child of the time in your womb and thus have a calming effect on him. The soft-padded sitting and lying surface will make your baby feel safe and comfortable while the built-in harness protects him from falling out of the swing. Not only the control button on the swing but also the remote control ensure that all modes and functions of the Brevi Althea can be set easily. A USB connection allows you to play your own MP3 music.

The mobile stimulates all of your little one's senses - lights, cheerful figures and colours can be marvelled at and explored by your child. Children love to explore things by using their hands - that is why the playing figures can be detached if necessary. Other playing options that will bring fun and games into your little one's day are provided by the detachable play tray. After each playing session your child is given the opportunity to lean back and relax. The backrest can be adjusted in three different positions.

Playing, sleeping, swinging - the baby swing is going to be your child's new favourite place. Parents appreciate that the baby swing offers a place in which their child feels safe and is supplied with ample entertainment. The detachable new-born insert supplies your child with cosy comfort during his first weeks.

There are two options in which the baby swing can operate: you can use batteries (4 x type D, not included in delivery!) or else the adaptor included in delivery.


  • Age suitability: from birth and up to a weight of 9 kg

  • Including new-born insert, remote control and USB connection, adaptor

  • Control button for setting the mobile (motion and light), 8 melodies, 5 swinging modes, timer

  • Mobile: 3 detachable soft figures, lights

  • Detachable play tray

  • 3 adjustable sitting and lying positions

  • Dimensions: H 102 x W 69 x D 90 cm, folded: 109,5 x 69 x 79 cm

  • Weight: 9,2 kg




Brevi Baby Swing Althea








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