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【網路人氣產品top10】Doona+ Mobile Infant Car Seat including Isofix Base 省荷包快速到貨網拍
2019/01/05 08:29:14瀏覽4|回應0|推薦0

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Doona+ Mobile Infant Car Seat including Isofix Base 設計式樣: Royal Blue/blau · 2019

With the Doona+ infant car seat that can be transformed into a small buggy by the touch of a button, your child travels safely while being provided with a most comfortable equipment. The Isofix base supplies your child with even more safety.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0+/ suitable for babies with a weight of up to 13 kg

  • Suitable from birth up to approx. 18 months

Conforms to the norm:


  • ECE R44/ 04

The benefits of the mobile infant car seat by Doona are surprising and will delight you and your child immediately. By the touch of a button you can extend the wheels of the Doona in a particularly quiet way. This way, you can transform the infant car seat into a flexible baby buggy in less than no time and allow your child to continue his naps while being on the way to a doctor or the grocery store. The best thing about this adorable companion is that you don't need a separate chassis which saves all the space in your car boot for your shopping bags and the like.

In order to install the Doona in your car, you can simply use the Isofix base which is included in the set. The easy-to-use "One-Click" installation via the Isofix anchor points in your car improves the safety provided and supplies your child with additional comfort. The colour indicator tells you whether the infant car seat has been installed correctly. This way, attaching the infant car seat to and releasing it from the base is going to be super simple.

Innovative anti-rebound protection省荷包快速到貨網拍 - the carrying handle of the Doona can be positioned against the backseats in your car. Thus, the car seat is prevented from rebounding in the event of a frontal impact. The double walls in the outer shell reduce the impact energy and provide even more protection for your child.

An insert for newborn babies as well as the innovative support cushion which ensure that your baby travels safely in an ergonomic position have been designed in close collaboration with medical experts. The five-point harness which comes with extra-wide belts keeps your little sunshine safely in his seat.

Dragging your infant car seat around definitely belongs to the past! The Doona+ is the perfect mobility solution for travelling by car, bus, train or taxi!

Details of Doona+ mobile infant car seat:

  • The world's first mobile infant car seat

  • Wheels can be extended by the touch of a button

  • Perfect mobility solution for active and mobile parents

  • Certified for being used on an airplane

  • Can be attached to your car by using Isofix base or car's own seat belt

  • Unique anti-rebound protection

  • Newborn infant insert as well as support cushion for ergonomic position

  • Double walls in the outer shell

  • Dimensions when used as infant car seat: H 60 x W 44 x L 66 cm

  • Dimensions when used as baby buggy: H 99 x W 44 x L 82 cm

  • Weight: 7 kg

Details of Doona Isofix Base:

  • Isofix base for Doona infant car seat

  • More safety and comfort

  • Norm ECE R44

  • Height-adjustable support foot

  • Colour indicator confirms correct installation




Doona+ Mobile Infant Car Seat including Isofix Base





李應元林聰賢吳宏謀 終於下台




《爐石戰記》爆爆博士的奇幻夥伴們 一張傳說抵18副牌組?

[新頭殼newtalk] 《爐石戰記》「爆爆計畫」又出新招!在之前釋出「合體機制」、「奧米迦卡牌」新要素後,昨日爐石戰記Youtube頻道再更新新影片,釋出三個爆爆博士的實驗室夥伴卡牌,每張卡牌都有著非常新奇的效果。其中「神奇的威茲邦」卡牌,效果竟然自帶18副牌組,日後新手入坑只要準備1,600魔塵,就能輕鬆打天梯與其他玩家一較高下。

本次爆爆計畫影片請來遊戲設計師Peter Whalen,大談本次爆爆計畫資料片的設計理念。Peter Whalen表示,他們每張資料片都是由特定主題發想,而爆爆計畫資料片當然就是「科學」─通常是會爆炸的;包含一群怪奇科學家和詭異發明,以及一大堆走鐘的實驗。

Peter Whalen在影片中揭露3張不同卡牌,它們都有著瘋狂的特效,分別是黏糊糊的弗洛普、超級對撞器、神奇的威茲邦。黏糊糊的弗洛普是德魯伊職業的科學家,消耗4點法力的3/4傳說手下。當他在玩家手中時,會變形為玩家最後所召喚手下的3/4版本;例如玩家若最後召喚了1/1的石牙野豬,手牌中黏糊糊的弗洛普就會變成3/4版本的石牙野豬!






《爐石戰記》HGG世界大賽開打 台灣周五對上哈薩克

Doona+ Mobile Infant Car Seat including Isofix Base

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