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Not Just Moral Teachings
2008/03/03 05:18:11瀏覽647|回應3|推薦2

     Many people enjoy decent lives. They feel that they are good people, and their friends constantly tell them how good they are. They don’t care what any one religion says and they have no interest in things beyond the material world. Advice and opinions from religious people, whom they consider unwise, are simply ignored. They think that religions are nothing more than moral teachings, i.e., instructions on how to behave well. They believe that they are winners in this area instead of losers who have to ask for help from those outdated traditions. They always overcome their difficulties by their own power and never need assistance from some invisible sources. They accept materialism and the absolute universal generalization principle with little or no doubt. They don’t want to know more things about the idea of souls, which sometimes becomes a topic of conversation, and they don’t care about their final destinies. If there is no life after death and everyone simply will not exist beyond the end of his or her days, it’s fine with them. If there is life after death, they are certain it will be good for them because they are good people.
     The main problem with this attitude is that they have too much imagination and confidence. Our existential status is a profound mystery and knowledge of things outside the physical world is beyond the capabilities of common people. It is considered irrational to make a conclusion with limited knowledge about them. This belief violates the central ideas of many religions in the world, and brings people who adhere to it nothing but harm. It is highly likely that these people will keep this attitude until they die. They are in danger if any religion with ideas about life after death is true. However, there is no hope for them unless some miracle happens and they begin to open their minds a bit and lower their confidence a little.
     It is a common feature of all religions to give moral teachings. Nevertheless, it would be an oversimplification of Christianity to consider it merely an ethical guide. Everyone trying to understand Christianity sooner or later will find it provides something more than moral teachings. The Bible has historical accounts, the descriptions of the nature of God, and a declaration that Jesus is the son of God. The God in the Bible is very personalized. Like us, he has his own will. He loves people but has requirements of them. He hates sinful desires and wrongdoings. The Bible also gives people examples and instructions of how to know him and worship him. Besides, the Bible advances some deep and abstract ideas about mankind, the whole universe, and things beyond the physical world. Passages in the Bible have inspired millions of volumes of theological and philosophical works.
     The main theme of Christianity is the relationship between people and God. We people are mortal and humble beings. God is the creator and the ruler of the whole universe. The Bible takes the existence of God for granted and requires its readers to believe in him. It tells people who God is, what he said, what he did, and what the right attitude toward him should be. It uses many examples to illustrate the ways in which to communicate with him, how to ask him for help, and what the real relationship between people and God looks like. Christianity says if a person wants to solve his or her moral problems, he or she first must have the right knowledge about God and establish a good relationship with God, and then he or she naturally will overcome them with the help of God.
     Some people have a preconception that religions are simply moral teachings and mental healing methods which only bad or hurt people need. However, these ideas don’t apply to Christianity. Actually, if any religion is true, it should be helpful and necessary not only to morally or mentally bankrupt people, but to everyone. Do only morally or mentally bankrupt people have self-consciousness? Do only morally or mentally bankrupt people have souls that will last after death?
     Christianity uncompromisingly asserts its authenticity. It says that everyone needs to know the true God of the whole universe. Some ideas, such as saying that Christianity is good because it persuades some people to behave well and is beneficial to society, indirectly claim that the main statements of Christianity are lies. People who have these ideas must change their thinking significantly if they want to understand Christianity. For a serious Christian, it is inappropriate to say Christianity is a kind of religion, a category of human activities. (However, we call Christianity a religion from time to time in this book for the lack of an appropriate substitute word.) Knowledge of God relates to all activities of humanity, if there truly is a God who created the whole world. “Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and he died on the cross for your sins?” is the very challenge of Christianity to everyone. Faith is the most important issue of Christianity.
     However, moral teachings are inseparable from Christianity. We suggest the reason is that this kind of knowledge is what we need. Guidance for human behavior is one of the main themes in the book that God wrote to people. In regards to knowledge of other areas such as science or engineering, God gave people imagination, intelligence, and creativity to research and pursue these areas. We human beings are capable of taking on the difficulties and producing many amazing achievements in the material world. Nevertheless, we have trouble when it comes to dealing with our sinful nature and we simply can’t succeed in this area by our own efforts.
     Christianity claims that we are responsible to God for our decisions that we make according to God’s standard. It also claims that human efforts toward perfection are ultimately in vain. People need to believe Jesus Christ died for their sins so that their sins will be forgiven. Moreover, only the transforming power of the Holy Spirit can actually change the sinful nature of people, empowering them to live new lives. Christianity is not just moral teachings.



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Catholician or Christian origin people should obey religious rules Absolutely
2009/01/27 19:09

In the religious term, as you said, “They should love their enemy”, but we are not their enemies, we are also the British Citizens as same as what they are, why they bully us like the enemy! (They – means that almost of people in the UK and the USA societies and our neighbours who have the selective racism for Chinese & Far East people)


And as you know, in the religious level, the Catholicism religion and the Christian religion, both of their Oaths for anyone who are getting marry or receiving baptized, have to emphasise that you should give fair love for your partner or anyone whatever any difference about their sex, their race, their age, … etc.  How come Almost of the UK or the USA officials, politicians, editors and people insistence the Catholicism religion or the Christian religion is their national religion, but they don’t really obey their religious rule!

unhappy ending

Catholician or Christian origin people should obey religious rules Absolutely
2009/01/27 19:02

What these countries introduce the human rights for their own people (citizens) and also introduce the human rights for other countries, but these countries (UK or USA) do not really give the fair human rights for all people, all citizens, all races, all ages in their own places!  As you know Hong Kong was a British colony, the former British government, they controlled the Hong Kong British Government to push the democracy progress, introduce the spirit of law, the rule of fair, the meanings of liberty and finally the knowledge of human right in Hong Kong, those we learned.   However, their own countries – UK or USA, the racial discrimination is available seriously, because our looks can be remarked as Chinese, therefore there is no fair and no similar human right for their Chinese or Far East Origin Citizens who they taught.  Different races have different classes of human right and legal protection or punishment in these countries.   It is cheating, man!  Who give us back any compensation or damages in the legal level (not the religious level) for our normal living development?! No hope, no future for us.  We involved into the society so much, but we gain less than we actually obtain, isn’t it fair?!   We don’t hate anyone but they hate us without any reason priority, just because we are Chinese!


Catholician or Christian origin people should obey religious rules Absolutely
2009/01/27 18:57
I support all religions to promote more and more moral teachings for their relevant regions and countries. It is what a pity and satire that the good meanings of the religions are available in the UK and the USA, however almost of these countries’ officials, politicians, editors and people do not really believe their own religions, they still do something wrong for their Neighbours and evenly an Enemy everyday and any time. Almost of their officials, politicians and editors only desire more and more National interests over their actual necessarily. Almost of their people only desire more and more Personal interests over their actual necessarily. Some people always disturb and discriminate their neighbours who are the minor ethnics and living to their next door. They just want to expel their neighbours who are Chinese or East Asian, so they just want wrest their neighbours’ legal assets (e.g. land) or the communal area near their neighbours with some legal or illegal actions continuously, again and again. Even if we don’t want to make any hostile relationship with our neighbours, but they still want to find any chance let us becoming their simulated enemy. I think you don’t believe that my home has been disturbed over 3 long-time periods, evenly we removed 3 times, and we are so upset now. They waste our monies and time, thus we lost our normal lives and also lose much more developing opportunities (e.g. lose studying time – cannot obtain stable & quite environment to get best studying records, lose working time – cannot improve our lives to enlarge our new home, and cannot fall in love to get marry & born our next generation).
