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Altec_417-8H II_418-8H II_421-8H II_425-8H II_AL-1839
2012/07/13 04:26:03瀏覽170|回應2|推薦0

Altec_417-8H II_418-8H II_421-8H II_425-8H II_AL-1839

Musical Instrument Loudspeakers

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Re: Altec_417-8H II_418-8H II_421-8H II_425-8H II_AL-1839
2012/07/17 11:57
Dear Sir, Wow, you really know lots of nice gears. As you see, I am more into the Jensen sound so far. The 12" coaxial I am listening now is Jensen sg-300, I especially like the sound of RP302 tweeter very much. And I am now building my Jensen triplex system, I have got all parts for certain time expect for the crossovers, which I have someone making for me now. I really like to invite you to my place and listen to music then give me some advices in the future. Best regards K-Y Lee [版主回覆07/21/2012 03:30:07]





Re: Altec_417-8H II_418-8H II_421-8H II_425-8H II_AL-1839
2012/07/13 14:38
Dear Sir, How are you? In the recently released August issue of Stereophile, Art Dudley writes about the "Five vintage loudspeakers you should hear before you die". There are Altec 604B, Klangfilm Eurodyn, Quad electrstatics, RCA LC1, Western Electric 755A and 753C and in the end a few others, such as Tannoy 12"&15" silver head, Siemens ELA 6S 3814, Klangfilm Eurodyn and Jensen G-610. Just for your information and see you soon sometime. Best regards K-Y Lee. [版主回覆07/14/2012 03:45:34]

Dear Piglet


真的嗎?跨海比較慢嗎?現在才 七月十三日 ,您已經拿到、看到八月的期刊了?還是您有特殊管道呢?官方網站還沒看到八月的期刊。等我拿到要仔細的看看。

“Five vintage loudspeakers you should hear before you die”. 這也太言重了吧?我想,應該是「音響玩家這一生就無憾了」的意思。

“Altec 604B” ,這隻不壞,我用過,但是我比較喜歡 604 series + Mantaray Constant Directivity Horn 的聲音,例如 Altec 604-H, 604-8K, and 604 -8L …

“Klangfilm Eurodyn” 沒聽過它的聲音,也沒用過。只有看過照片。

“Quad electrstatics” 的喇叭在 30年前就用過了。聲音不壞,但是不是我要的聲音。我現在還留有一套 Quad FM4 Tuner + 34 Control Unit + 405-2 Power Amplifier 還能正常的唱歌。

“RCA LC 1” 對我來說太遙遠了,我早就放棄了。

“Western Electric 755A and 753C ” - Altec 755E… 當年 ( 1970’ s) 我就嫌它 8" 的單體卻那麼貴,結果就這麼的一再的錯過至今沒用過 (只有在別的玩家那兒聽過聲音)

“Tannoy 12"&15" silver head” 我玩過幾隻,甚至用過 Guy R. Fountain Memory ,最後還是出手了,因為 Duplex ( Two-way coaxial ) 的聲音我還是喜歡 Altec_604 Series

“Siemens ELA 6S 3814” 沒聽過它的聲音,也沒用過。只有看過照片。

“Jensen G -610” 我在別的玩家那兒聽過聲音,與我放棄 Tannoy 的原因相同,不是我所要的聲音。

您現在知道,我受到 Altec Lansing 的影響有多深了!中了很深的 Altec 音響蠱!

