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    肆拾捌、 揚聲器的靈敏度


這名詞在調諧器 ( tuner ) 、麥克風 ( microphone ) 、擴大機 ( amplifier ) 、及喇叭 ( speaker ) 或揚聲器 ( loudspeaker ) 系統各有其不同的定義。




1.     以聲頻測試訊號的「1 W」功率訊號輸入待測的喇叭或揚聲器,使它製造產生出那所輸送進入的測試訊號的聲音。

2.     測試量度的標準參考麥克風是設置於距離這待測的喇叭或揚聲器正前方之 1 公尺處。

3.     麥克風是連接輸入到音壓錶 ( sound level meter ) 、真時頻譜分析儀 ( real-time spectrum analyzer ) 、或快速傅利葉轉換分析儀 ( FFT analyzer fast Fourier transform ) 所量測得到多少的 dB-SPL ( 2 × 10-5 Pa 2 × 10-5 N/m2 ) 為測試所得的數據。

4.     如若有連接圖示電平位準計錄器 ( graphic level recorder ) 又可得到頻譜與位準的列示圖 ( 現今之數位式的分析儀絕大多數可輸出數據資料或直接地連接印表機列印出 )




  「某單頻率正弦波 ( sinusoidal wave ) 聲頻訊號」、

  「某頻段的正弦波掃波 ( swept-frequencies ) 聲頻訊號」、或

  「某頻段的粉紅測試噪音 ( pink noise ) 頻譜 ( spectrum ) 訊號」... 等等之「1 W」功率訊號。

那「1 W」功率訊號是以待測的揚聲器之名義額定阻抗所計值的。

如果那待測的揚聲器之名義額定阻抗是 8 Ω 的,這訊號功率 1 W 的電壓值即是「2.83 V」。

這是以「WR = E」及或「V 2 ÷ R = 1 W」去計算所得到的,在實際的使用上亦是如此。




  自由音場 ( free field )

  無迴響室 ( anechoic room )

  擴散音場 ( diffuse field )

  半反射音場 ( semi-reverberant field ) 、及或

  模擬自由音場 ( simulated free field ) 等等狀態的。

測試量度用的標準參考麥克風所設置的距離於近音場 ( near field ) 、遠音場 ( far field )

遠音場是涉及到平方反比定律 ( inverse square law ) 的,從音源算起每倍增加倍的距離處那音源所發出的音壓電平位準下降了 6 dB 之兩倍及或更多倍的距離處。


我們通常取用距離 1 公尺 的原因是以近音場而言,並假設在這距離是排除了擴散音場和反射音場而是在自由音場內的直接音場 ( direct field ) 內。




如當在表示喇叭之發聲效率時,亦常以輸入喇叭多少功率、距離喇叭多遠處,所測得之多少「音壓位準」 ( sound pressure level 、簡寫是 SPL ) ,其是以 靈敏度 表示的。例如:『Sensitivity: 98.5 dB SPL, 1 Watt/1 m』。

注意:效率 ( efficiency ) 靈敏度 ( sensitivity ) ,它們兩者的定義是不同的。或許在某些方面有交叉關聯及或在某狀態下會相提並論,造成有類似意思與意義的感覺,但是它們兩者在實際上的定義、意思、與意義是不同的。


  Tontechnik-Rechner - sengpielaudio_ [ Loudspeaker efficiency versus sensitivity ]  http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-efficiency.htm 


如果揚聲器所發出的聲音強度位準要提昇高 3 dB ,則我們就需要把擴大機的輸出功率加一倍。

例如有兩隻揚聲器各自分別需要 1 W 的功率輸入才能製造產生出 97 dB 100 dB 的聲音強度位準,第一個揚聲器則需要輸入加倍的功率,才能製造產生出與第二個揚聲器同樣大的聲音強度位準。

  第一隻揚聲器以 1 W 的功率輸入能製造產生出 97 dB SPL

  第二隻揚聲器以 1 W 的功率輸入能製造產生出 100 dB SPL

  如要第一隻揚聲器的輸出音壓 ( 音量 ) 達到與第二隻揚聲器的輸出音壓同等量值時,那我們就要給第一隻揚聲器 2 W 的功率輸入,「97 dB + 3 dB = 100 dB」。





Altec M-600』在規格說明上寫的:

  靈敏度規格是:『Pressure Sensitivity: 98.5 dB SPL 1 W. 』。

  運作時的功率容量:『Power Handling: 150 Watts, 60 Hz - 20 kHz. 』。

1.     由此得知這揚聲器可處理 (承受) 150 W 的輸入功率。

2.     我們從「dB-5_part-39_dBW 文內的 表格 19 _dBW W/8Ω 數值之對照表」的表格中得知 150 W 對應到 21.76 dBW

3.     因此我們就這樣的加上去「98.5 dB + 21.76 dB = 120.26 dB」。

就這樣的我們可大概地得知,假設在饋送 150 W 的功率訊號進入這揚聲器的話,應該能製造產生出 120 dB SPL 的最大可能音壓位準。


請參閱前面的「dB-5_part-39_dBW 文內的 表格 19 _dBW W/8Ω 數值之對照表」的表格。  http://blog.udn.com/hckconsultant/21059440 

我通常以一句口訣去解說:「功率每遞增加一倍就增加 3 dB」。這句口訣在應用上還滿好用的,而且很好記憶。



  維基百科_Sensitivity  [英文]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensitivity_(electronics)  [中文]_

  維基百科_Loudspeaker_Efficiency vs. sensitivity  [英文]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudspeaker#Efficiency_vs._sensitivity [中文]_

  維基百科_Loudspeaker measurement  [英文]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudspeaker_measurement [中文]_

  維基百科_Loudspeaker acoustics  [英文]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudspeaker_acoustics [中文]_

  維基百科_Pink noise  [英文]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_noise [中文]_

  維基百科_Free field  [英文]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_field [中文]_

  維基百科_Near and far field  [英文]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Near_field [中文]_

  維基百科_Inverse-square law  [英文]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverse_square_law [中文]_

  維基百科_Altec Lansing_History  [英文]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Altec [中文]_

  維基百科_Studio monitor  [英文]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studio_monitor [中文]

  Altec Engineering Notes_Technical Letter No. 203_Measurement of Nominal Sensitivity Ratings for Horn-Driver Combinations Commonly Used in Acousta-Voicing [ TL-203 ] ( PDF 1.63 MB ) http://alteclansingunofficial.nlenet.net/publications/techletters/TL_203.pdf

  Altec Engineering Notes_Technical Letter No. 220_Measurement of Nominal Sensitivity Ratings for Horn-Driver Combinations Commonly Used in Monitor Playback Systems [ TL-220 ] ( PDF 145 kB ) http://alteclansingunofficial.nlenet.net/publications/techletters/TL_220.pdf

  Altec Engineering Notes_Technical Letter No. 226_Altec Horn-Driver Sensitivity Ratings in Metric Units [ TL-226 ] ( PDF 275 kB ) http://alteclansingunofficial.nlenet.net/publications/techletters/TL_226.pdf

  Altec Engineering Notes_Technical Letter No. 230_Application of Component Loudspeaker Power Capacity Ratings to the Design of Two-way Systems [ TL-230 ] ( PDF 688 kB ) http://alteclansingunofficial.nlenet.net/publications/techletters/TL_230.pdf

  Altec Engineering Notes_Technical Letter No. 231_Three New Compression Drivers [ TL-231 ] ( PDF 553 kB ) http://alteclansingunofficial.nlenet.net/publications/techletters/TL_231.pdf

  Altec Engineering Notes_Technical Letter No. 264A_Using Thiele-Small Parameters [ TL-264A ] ( PDF 514 kB ) http://alteclansingunofficial.nlenet.net/publications/techletters/TL_264A.pdf

  American Loudspeaker Manufacturers Association_( ALMA International )_[ Reports ] http://www.almainternational.org/standardsreports.php

  Audio Tester [ English page ] ( Shareware downloads ) http://www.audiotester.de

  Common Loudspeaker Format Group_[ CLF ]  http://www.clfgroup.org

  Dayton Audio  [ Home page ]  http://www.daytonaudio.com/index.php/

  Dayton Audio_[ Test & Measurement ]  http://www.daytonaudio.com/index.php/test-measurement.html

  Electro-Acoustic Testing Company, Inc. [ ETC ]  http://www.etcinc.us

  HiFi Speaker Design mhSoft 1999. 2000  [ Home page ]  (這網址目前顯示失效)  http://www.mhsoft.nl/default1.asp

  JBL Professional_[ Technical Library ]  http://www.jblpro.com/pages/tech_lib.htm

  JPO’s Speaker Building Link List [ Website ]  (這網址目前顯示失效)  http://web.telia.com/~u87124019/index.html

  Linkwitz Lab_Loudspeaker Design  [ Home page ]  http://www.linkwitzlab.com

  Madisound Speaker Components, Inc. [ Home page ] https://www.madisoundspeakerstore.com/  

  Marchand Electronics Inc. [ Simple Function Generator ] http://www.marchandelec.com./fg.html

  Marchand Electronics Inc. [ Computer programs downloads ]  http://www.marchandelec.com./programs.html

  Monkey Forest_[ Audio Meßsystem ] http://www.monkeyforest.de/Page10383/Monkey_Forest_dt/monkey_forest_dt.html

  Monkey Forest_[ ELF ]  http://www.four-audio.com/en/products/elf.html

  Steve Ekblad’s Free Audio Software Page and On-line Audio Tools [ 需要 Java ] http://www.audiogrid.com/audio/

  Tontechnik-Rechner - sengpielaudio_Sound Studio and Audio Calculations  [ Online - Acoustics Conversion Engines ]  http://www.sengpielaudio.com/Calculations03.htm

  True Audio_Audio Spectrum Analyzer and Loudspeaker Design Software    True Audio_[ Home page ]  http://www.trueaudio.com

  True Audio_[ Tech Topics ]  http://www.trueaudio.com/st_index.htm

  True Audio_[ John’s Selected Postes on Audio Topics ]  http://www.trueaudio.com/post_index.htm

  True Audio_[ Download a SPL to % Efficiency Conversion Chart ]  ( spl_eff.xls MS Excel 24 kB )  http://trueaudio.com/downloads/spl_eff.xls




  亞馬遜網路書店_ [ Handbook for Sound Engineers, 3rd edition. ], editor and author by Glen Ballou, Focal Press; 3rd edition ( April 12, 2005 ), 1584pp., ISBN-10: 0240807588 & ISBN-13: 987-0240807584.  


  亞馬遜網路書店_ [ Loudspeaker and Headphone Handbook ], by John Borwick ( editor ), Focal Press; 3rd edition ( March 27, 2001 ), 736pp., ISBN-10: 0240515781 & ISBN-13: 978-0240515786.  


  亞馬遜網路書店_ [ Sound System Endineering, 3rd edition. ], by Don Davis & Eugene Patronis, Jr., Focal Press; 3rd edition ( September 6, 2006 ), 504pp., ISBN-10: 0240808304 & ISBN-13: 978-0240808307.  


  亞馬遜網路書店_ [ Testing Loudspeakers ], by Joseph D’Appolito, Audio Amateur Publications ( December 1998 ), 176pp., ISBN-10: 1882580176 & ISBN-13: 978-1882580170.  





  Audio Engineering Society_AES2-1984 ( r2003 ): AES Recommended Practice - Specification of loudspeaker components used in professional audio and sound reinforcement _ [AES2-1984]  http://www.aes.org/publications/standards/

  Audio Engineering Society_AES19-1992 ( w2003 ): AES-ALMA standard test method for audio engineering - Measurement of the lowest resonance frequency of loudspeaker cones. ( Withdrawn: 2003 ) _ [AES19-1992]  http://www.aes.org/publications/standards/courtesy.cfm?ID=23

  Audio Engineering Society_AES-1id-1991 ( r2003 ): AES Information Document - Plane wave tubes: design and practice _ [AES-1id-1991]  http://www.aes.org/publications/standards/courtesy.cfm?ID=1

  Audio Engineering Society_AES-4id-2001 ( r2007 ): AES information document for room acoustics and sound reinforcement systems - Characterization and measurement of surface scattering uniformity _ [AES-4id-2001]  http://www.aes.org/publications/standards/courtesy.cfm?ID=4

  Audio Engineering Society_AES-5id-1997 ( r2003 ): AES information document for Room acoustics and sound reinforcement systems - Loudspeaker modeling and measurement - Frequency and angular resolution for measuring, presenting and predicting loudspeaker polar data _ [AES-5id-1997]  http://www.aes.org/publications/standards/courtesy.cfm?ID=5

  Audio Engineering Society_AES-R2-2004: AES project report for articles on professional audio and for equipment specifications - Notations for expressing levels ( Revision of AES-R2-1998 ) _ [AES-R2-2004]  http://www.aes.org/publications/standards/courtesy.cfm?ID=9

  IEC 60268-5 ed 3.1, 2007-09-11 [ Sound system equipment-Part 5: Loudspeakers ] http://webstore.iec.ch/webstore/webstore.nsf/artnum/038336

  IEC 60268-14 ed 2.0, 1980-01-01 [ Sound system equipment-Part 14: Circular and elliptical loudspeakers; outer frame diameters and mounting dimensions ] http://webstore.iec.ch/webstore/webstore.nsf/artnum/018767

  ANSI/CEA-426-B R-2005 [ Loudspeakers, Optimum Amplifier Power ]


  The EIA-426-B Loudspeaker Power Rating Test CD  http://www.almainternational.org/alma_store/cd_order_form

  ALMA International_[ ALMA STANDARDS ]  http://www.almainternational.org/standards

  ALMA International_[ ALMA Library ]  http://www.almainternational.org/news__information/alma_papers__presentations_library




  Audio Precision _[ Home page ]  http://ap.com/index.html

  B&K ( Brüel & Kjær )_[ Home page ]  http://www.bksv.com

  B&K ( Brüel & Kjær )_[ Audio Analyzers ]  http://www.bksv.com/4069.asp

  B&K ( Brüel & Kjær )_[ PULSE Electroacoustics ]  http://www.bksv.com/4074.asp

  B&K ( Brüel & Kjær )_[ Platform for Electroacoustic Testing ]  http://www.bksv.com/4087.asp

 B&K ( Brüel & Kjær )_[ Handbooks & Lectures ]  http://www.bksv.com/3975.asp

  B&K ( Brüel & Kjær )_[ Technical Review ]  http://www.bksv.com/1874.asp

  B&K ( Brüel & Kjær )_[ Primers ]  http://www.bksv.com/2148.asp

  Czech Technical University_The Group of Acoustics _[ Anechoic room ] 建造蓋了間無響室的過程,大約有 100 張圖片。  http://acoust.feld.cvut.cz/old/old/komora.html

  Doctor ProAudio_[ Online Calculators ]  http://www.doctorproaudio.com/doctor/calculadores_en.htm

  Doctor ProAudio_[ Pro-Audio Basics and References ]  http://www.doctorproaudio.com/doctor/temas_en.htm

  Doctor ProAudio_[ Speaker power handling explained ] 


  EASERA_Professional Acoustic Measurements [ Website ]  http://easera.afmg.eu/

  EAW_[ Home page ]  http://www.eaw.com

  Electro-Acoustic Testing Company, Inc. [ ETC ]  http://www.etcinc.us/

  Eminence_[ Resources ]  http://www.eminence.com/resources/resources.asp

  Fluke Electronics [ Home page ]  http://www.fluke.com

  Gold Line_[ TEF ]  http://www.gold-line.com/tef/tef.htm

  Harris Technologies, Inc._[ HT Audio home page ]  http://www.ht-audio.com/index.html

  Harris Technologies, Inc._[ How a Speaker Works ]  http://www.ht-audio.com/pages/SpeakerBasics.html

  Harris Technologies, Inc._[ Technical Notes for Eminence Designer 1 ] 


  IFB consulting, Eleonorenstr_IFBsoft_[ ULYSSES ]  http://www.ifbsoft.de/news/e.php

  Ivie [ Home page ]  http://www.ivie.com/

  KLIPPLE [ Home page ]  https://www.klippel.de/

  Liberty Instruments, Inc. [ Home page ]  http://www.libinst.com/

  LinearX Systems Inc. [ Home page ]  http://www.linearx.com/

  Morset Sound Development [ WinMLS 2004 ]  http://www.nvo.com/winmls/winmls2004/

  NTI [ Home page ]  http://www.nti-audio.com/

  NWAA Labs [ Home page ]  http://www.nwaalabs.com/index.html

  NWAA Labs [ Labs Construction Pictures ]  http://nwaalabs.ipower.com/pictures.html 

  PureBits.com_Sample Champion [ Home page ]  http://purebits.com/index.html

  Terrasonde_AudioToolbox [ Home page ]  http://www.audiotoolbox.us/

  The Thiele-Small Loudspeaker Database [ Main page ] 喇叭資料庫,查尋喇叭數據規格頗方便。超連結網頁內頗壯觀。 (這網址目前顯示失效) http://www.thielesmall.com/default.asp

  Virtins Technology [ 中文正體網頁 ]  http://www.virtins.com/index.shtml

  WaveCapture [ Website ]  http://www.wavecapture.com/




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