arecord -d 10 -f cd -t wav -D plughw:Headset record.wav
./mplayer -ao oss:/dev/dsp 1.wav
arecord -r 8000 -c 1 -f S16_LE -d 5 -D hw:0,0 2.wav
arecord | aplay
arecord -r 16000 -f S16_LE -v | aplay
usb audio box, fedora 8
aplay -D hw:1,0 1.wav
arecord -r 8000 -c 1 -f S16_LE | aplay -D hw:0,1
Alsa driver with bug, can not rec and play at the same time, need modify.
arecord -c 1 -f S16_LE -r 8000 -D hw:0,0 | aplay -D hw:0,1
if you need the zImage or mxc-alsa-pmic.c , please contact greatcat@ms18.hinet.net
ifconfig eth0 up
mkdir /tmp/nfs
mount -t nfs /tmp/nfs -o nolock -o proto=tcp
alsamixer -V all
amixer sset 'Master' 25
amixer sset 'Master Balance' 50
amixer sset 'Master Input' 2
amixer sset 'Master Monoconfig' 1
amixer sset 'Master Output' 12