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Hidden In An Estonian Forest Is This Bizarre And Controversial Graveyard
2015/04/10 14:01:09瀏覽119|回應0|推薦0

Although Estonia has been an independent democracy since 1989, the ghosts of Soviet rule still haunt the country to this day. It doesn't help that Russia refuses to remove its dead from the country they began occupying in 1940.

Ämari Air Base Cemetery, which is hidden in the deep forests of Ämari, is strangely maintained. This is odd because it was resurrected in honor of former Soviet pilots, whose graves are marked by the tails of the planes they used to conquer this very same land many years ago.

It is unclear who is actually maintaining these secret Russian grounds within the sovereign country's borders. Could this merely be a gesture of peace from the Estonian government, or is the Baltic country not as severed from its old colonizers as it thinks?

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