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2014/12/02 11:29:45瀏覽90|回應0|推薦0

    One of the best things about the Netherlands is the cycling culture. Did you know that the number of bicycles there exceed the population of the country?

    On a quest to reduce carbon emissions that’s both innovative and absolutely stunning, Roosegaarde andHeijmans of Smart Highway have built a light emitting bicycle path in Nuenen, stretching over a kilometer.

    Van Gogh Cycle 2

    Inspired by the country’s most famed artist, none other than impressionist painter, Van Gogh, the central theme of the bike path is ‘Starry Night’, one of the artist’s most celebrated works.

    Van Gogh Cycle 4

    By using solar technology such as Dynamic Paint, Interactive Light, Induction Priority Lane and Road Printer, the patterned solar powered designs charge from the sun’s energy during the day. At night, thousands of panels illuminate, creating twinkling swirls upon swirls of glowing stones, recreating the ‘Starry Night’ painting. Not only does this add a piercing and luminous beauty to the night, it also increases visibility and safety for riders and pedestrians.

    Van Gogh Cycle 3

    The collaboration between Roosegaarde and Heijmans is a true example of innovative industries. The design and interactivity from Studio Roosegaarde and the craftsmanship of Heijmans are fused into one common goal: innovation of the Dutch landscape. Smart Highway has been awarded with a Dutch Design Award, Accenture Innovation Award, and is winner of the INDEX Award 2013

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