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2015/03/12 22:09:44瀏覽5258|回應1|推薦0 | |
Name :Post Courier.Name; Atlantic Post and security WEBSITE: www.apostsecu.com Shipment tracking:
I send a Gucci handbag and wrist watch too. I also send golden jewellery's and some Victoria's secrete panties of different sizes 45, 56 and 57, flowers, Complimentary greetings card, iphone 6, Gucci Perfume and cosmetics include my pictures and a greeting card. I also want to let you know that i send some amount of money 30,000.00 USD inside the gift. I wanted to make it a surprise but i decided to tell you about it. I put the money inside envelop in down part of the gift. Just inform me after you have receive the gift
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