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2010/03/04 15:53:54瀏覽383|回應1|推薦12











Hi, Tom!!


May you are well and arrive there in Taiwan safely??


I was arrived in my home thru God's grace.


But i have small trouble in my mind.


Because I didn't see you during we was leaving from english language center.


What's problem?


Did you disappoint because of me?


In case of fact you may forgive me!


You are my Hero^^




At last, I went to my church from this week.


Even though church and church memember are too small

but I'll do best for them.


Would you pray for me? and I will pray for you and your family even your loving church.


Yes, now i'm waiting of God's message in order to preach for my church.


This week, My sermon topic is Ps 34:7-10


"Taste and see that the LORD is good" - your answer "Always!" ?? - 冗冗冗


Tom, May the Lord's mighty hand be with you always!!




Your sin


Hi Tom,


Thank you for your heartly response to my mail.


I have knew why didn't say good-bye to me.


I guessed when we went to play tennis at metro gate with korean pastor

I didn't involve you.


If your mind uncomfortable you may understand.


I'm sorry again. I'll never mistake of this kind of thing.


Well, I had finished my first sermon in my church.

I delieved same topic as you known.

Some of deaconess tears during worship time.


Tom, really welcome!!

because you were became my church member from today...


My next sabbath sermon topic is "I'm a good shepherd" by Jn 10:10-15


Tom, How about your greater support maybe lovely spouse?

Is she very well? Please say hello to her from korean elder pastor!!    


You know, I'll participate my local conference tennis club tomorrow morning.

I invited from them. So then, I have to sleep right now.


See you..........

And sweet dream^^




James Kim


Hi My warmly friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I thanks of your attention about my insignificant hobby.


yes, I got an best award last monthly meeting. ........ It's my mistake......

It is not only my privilege but also your joy.


But, whenever I thought about you, well.... my mind is very heavy.

How can i help you, how can i support you? I don't know, I have no idea until now.

Nevertheless, you don't give up hope until next session.

Merely, I want to suggest you absolutely. you may play tennis at least twice a week..............冗冗冗  


Then, I really agree of your opinion in case of korean pastor want to play tennis,

it's very comfortable than taiwan.

Because we can play not only finding partner but also easying approach each other.


My loving friend Tom,

for the first time, i knew and understood your heart. it's not because of tennis but your character.  

why didn't you say "Good-bye" while i left from english institute.


Any way, I won't mention about this fact after now.


Hey, My brother,,,,,,,,,,,,,

I has been visiting church member from last week with church co-worker.

It was very unfamiliar to me. why? you know??

I didn't charge of local church as pastor to long time maybe about over ten years.

But, It was very excited and delightful to me.


How about you? Did you start it or not yet?


Maybe, They'll be visit my home next sabbath.

We should be served for them.

It is God's grace too.


Tom, my sky-pe ID is "kucay01", why don't you call right now?


Come on, come on.......


I'll be seeing you So long thru Sky-pe!!






PS : Would you give me special picture in your camera. because i miss you.

       I want to see you thru picture. 


Hi, My loving brother Tom^^


I'm sorry. I couldn't see of your precious e-mail until now.


But, I believe that you are no trouble at all in this case!!


Yes, I had been busying during last week.


As you known, even though my church is very small

but, as start as i visit to church member's house, it was finishing every day.  

So, whenever I came back my home, i was on my last legs. I didn't open my lap-top.




I appreciate of your good suggestion about your schedule.


You must be stay my home after 4th session from 4th Jun to 7th Jun.


Therefore, you should book air ticket for leaving time Jun 7(mon).


Of course, you have to prepare revival meeting for my church member thru English sermon.


Are you OK????!!!!!




Well, then, I'll attend at pastoral meeting on 22nd Mar ~ 24th Mar in Gang won province.




Why don't you give me about regular sky-pe connection date??

If you suggest me and i willing to follow you.


Have a good night^^


James of your "hyeong - dda ge"


Hi, My loving Tom Huang!!


You know?? your first name 'huang' is the same sound as my first 'hyung'^^^


So, your are really my brother and my family.


Have you been well last week??


Actually, I'm sorry which i didn't reply to you as open as i read your e-mail.


When i had come back from pastoral meeting, I was called by Ps. Han from NSD.

Because He want to play tennis with Dr. Ha.

Dr. Ha was calling assistant of president from NSD instead of Ps. Stanley Ng.


Even though I was very tired at that time but i couldn't reject of his request to me.


I attended the first session of pastoral meeting in my conference on March 22-24.

They gave me a special comment time for collegue.

Though I embarrassed that i appreciated to them.

While i stay at the meeting, some of my friends suggested playing Golf.

I really enjoyed this special oppotunity with them.



Do not say "Thank you" toward me when you stay my house after finish clap program.

Because This is my pleasure and my duty. you are not stranger anymore......


As you known, I and my wife are going to go your home in Taiwan this november.

We are very flutter and excitement whenever we think about Taiwan.


Anyway,,,, At last, This afternoon I saw your face and i heard your voice even your family.

I thanks to our Loving Lord.


Tom, God's Almighty hand be with your serving church and your family

until Our Lord Jesus Christ is coming then.


Your dda-ge "hyung"






Are you truly prophet of this world??


How did you know my steps?


I can't hide of my life before you!!


Yes, I went.


Ps. Han who want to play tennis with me because he went to Japan on business

in order that he was workshop of His Hands Mission Movement for Japan church leaders.

So, He couldn,t play tennis until then.


Anyway, The Sabbath is coming now!!

I should be giving message to my Sheeps.

Of course You...



Why don't you give your sermon until this month!!

You may ready for it. Don't forget it^^


All right,


I will send e-mail again tonight.








I again write this letter...

I don't know what are you doing now because I'm not prophet as you.


I have finished all of church material such as sabbath message, sabbath lesson,

and church program etc...


I guess who you are very busy until now.

maybe you couldn't sleep tonight, could you??


Sometimes, I used to inquire by myself "why am i here?"

"what i really want to do?" - for GOD? for Me? or for whom????


DO you know all of your way??


This is not doubt to GOD but it is at least real seeking to me.


However, I've got to leave this message for you.


Job 23:10 "But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold"




Let's proclaim to God's Love and His Everlasting Gospel!!


Happy Sabbath *^^*


Your sincere DDaGE James Kim    


Hi Tom,

How Have you been?


I've just spent time for church member until now.

I who guess you also for it.


You know, Nowaday my country's climate is some terrible that the temperature too lower.

And Even though spring came up here and there but we couldn't see sun light this day.


Can you guess if it's raining everyday what shall we do??


Are you into sports? How often do you play a week?

Maybe you should to lose weigh and level up tennis zzzzz 


We decided the revival meeting of weekend through our church board.

And I introduced to them about you as Ps. Tom who from Taiwan.

After that, as quickly as they ask me "who will translate for this meeting?"

I replied "I'll do it". They surprised this answer.


Thanks, anyway.


We sincerely welcome you to our church.   



I miss not only you but also your yellow mango^^


Have nice a Happy day!!




Your DDAGGe  James Kim    



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