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2009/09/25 10:29:26瀏覽386|回應1|推薦14 | |
在北方的您問候我好不好? 我習慣性的回答您我很好! 每一次的e-mail or phone call... You always concerned about my physcial condition... 我只能用勉強的口氣說一切都好~ 其實我的身體時好時壞~ 在您的面前我不得不pretend say I am fine.... Because between us no sad no bad news and no cry.... 在我們之間只需彼此的鼓勵及欣賞對方的好~ Therefore, I keep silent even though I face big problems in my life... And didn't mention any bad words before you................................. You know that was hard time to me.... But in front you I just smile and make joke that let you laugh and happy.... 這次的通話您終於說出了內心的話~ You said : You were always on my mind.... Anytime anywhere you always thinking about me........ Ha ha ha 我大笑了~~~ 我心想:您怎麼這麼肉麻了~ 想當初您要我堅強地不要說什麼想念不想念的~ 對!我做到了~ 但!反而是您先說了"想念"這個字眼~ 想不到!人真的是容易善變~~~~~ 變得沒理由、變得多愁善感~ 人說過的話、表達過的心~~~ 對我而言~ 都會過去,也不能長久~ 但最能感動的態度~~~ 反而是在個人的禱告中記念著對方~~~ 這樣無聲的世界最能發揮"愛的力量"~ 為對方默默的付出您的關心及在乎~~~ In the End, you said: I always pray for you in my prayer everyday.... This is what I need, I really need your pray in everyday.................. I believe God through your pray that can heal my illness... Not because our distance so far, just because your pray...................... "You will be here", "I was always in your mind".............................. |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |