基於歐盟安全法規EN 415-8規定,此法規頒布後,
所有公司生產單鍵式打包工具( 電動打包機 氣動打包機 ),
如對於人員有潛在工安疑慮,在歐盟不建議使用。這類 打包機廣泛應用於 塑鋼帶 PET帶 鐵皮 鋼帶等等... 包裝帶上。
相關條文如下: BS EN 415-8:2008 Safety of packaging machines. Strapping machines Strapping machines are used extensively in Europe, in an increasingly wide range of industries. They contain several significant hazards and have the potential to cause serious injury. BS EN 415-8 applies to the following groups of machines: Powered hand strapping tools Semi-automatic strapping machines Automatic strapping machines Horizontal pallet strapping machines Vertical pallet strapping machines. BS EN 415-8 deals with safety requirements for machine design, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, adjustment, maintenance and cleaning of strapping machines. The extent to which hazards, hazardous situations and events are covered, are indicated in Clause 4 of this standard. BS EN 415-8 does not apply to the following machines: Strapping tools that are powered exclusively by manual effort Strapping machines that were manufactured before the date of publication of this standard by CEN. BS EN 415-8 does not consider the following hazards: The use of strapping machines in potentially explosive atmospheres The health, safety or hygiene hazards associated with the products that may be handled by the machines, but does include general advice on this subject Hazards that can be associated with electromagnetic emissions from strapping machines Hazards that can be associated with decommissioning strapping machines.
【FROMM 富朗包裝】 提供最佳包裝解決方案,ISO認證,專業設計製造一條龍服務:
1. 全自動鋼帶捆包系統規劃
2. 全自動PET塑鋼帶包裝系統規劃
3. 鋼帶打包機 / 鐵皮打帶機 / PET塑鋼帶打包機 / 氣動打包機
4. 膠膜棧板裹包機 / 水平式裹膜機 / 自走式膠膜裹包機 / 懸臂式裹包機
5. 各種規格塑鋼帶 / PET帶 / 鋼帶 / 鐵皮打包帶 / 包裝材料
6. 各種打包工具維修 / 售後服務
7. AIRPAD緩衝氣墊系統規劃 /工業用氣墊機 / 桌上氣袋機
8. 緩衝氣墊成品 / 專用膠膜銷售
9. 包裝設備 / PET氣動打包機短 / 長期租賃
詳情請洽【FROMM 富朗包裝】 各地分公司:
台中 04-2237 3777
桃園03-369 4119
高雄07-710 6528
上海+86 21 6446 5297-99