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A Toast
2009/03/17 05:48:00瀏覽4|回應0|推薦0
在找東西的時候 不意間發現 這張稿子
這是三年前在好友婚禮 我給的致詞
讀過後 還是有些感動 好像又回到當下的氛圍
當初的感性 幾乎已無影蹤 僅存沒溫度的理性

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you all for being here and sharing this wonderful occasion with us. I can’t tell you how honored and nervous I am to be standing here to toast my best friend K and her husband, A.

Like many of us, K and I met at our first year of college and have been inseparable ever since. It’s amazing how relieved I was when she and A finally decided to get married and I am so happy that I can share the celebration of their wedding with them.

A, it’s been such a pleasure getting to know you. I know that you love K with all of your heart and will cherish her for the rest of your life. Because on one of the many many conversations that I had with K, she had told me that there was one day early last year this was before you had proposed to her, as she was leaving the office while lugging a gallon bottle of water with her, and you just came up to her and took the water bottle for her. It’s a simple gesture yet it shows how much you care for K! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making K the happiest she’s ever been in her life.

K, you’ve been my best friend for over a dozen years and I have never seen you smile as much as you did today. You are the kindest, most caring person I have ever known in my life and I know that that life you and A will share together will truly be something special.

I don’t have much advice for the newlyweds, because I really have no experience to speak from. But, if I had any advice, it might just be to A. That would be never fight before you go to bed and to always say “Yes dear”, except if K happens to ask “does this make me look fat?”

I raise my glass and ask everyone to join me in wishing you happiness, love and longevity in this perfect marriage. Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. Cheers!!!
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